Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2470 Has it arrived in the 21st century 6

Chapter 2470 Have you returned to the 21st century? 6
Zi Qing is puzzled, everything seems to be overturned now, so she doesn't know how to proceed?
"Is it an illusion?" Zi Qing couldn't tell whether it was an illusion or something. The most important thing was that at this moment, she found that she had lost control of Zilan's space.

Inexplicably, she couldn't sense the existence of the Zilan space, let alone the contracted beast and Zixi in the Zilan space.

What's going on here?
At this moment, Zi Qing was really stunned, her eyes were full of astonishment, and what made it even more difficult for her to accept was that the spiritual power in her body had completely disappeared at this moment.

Now, although she is not a powerless person, after losing her spiritual power, if a divine beast appears, then what awaits her is death.

Fortunately, Ziqing is not someone who just sits and waits to die. Even if she loses control of the Zilan space, even if the spiritual power in her body disappears inexplicably, she will not stay where she is complaining, she will go to find the truth.

Zi Qing walked forward, looking at the more and more familiar buildings, the surprise in her eyes became more and more intense, what is going on?

My heart was spinning a thousand times, and I had no idea what was going on.

At this time, she has no one to discuss with her, she only knows to go forward, it seems that at the end of the road, there is the answer she wants to find.

Step by step, as if not tired, Zi Qing kept moving forward until, with a squeak, a sound of brakes came from behind, Zi Qing stopped.

"Beauty, where are you going? I'll take you for a ride?" Suddenly, a decent-looking man walked out of a car behind Ziqing. smile.

However, what he didn't know was that his smile was as ugly as it fell on Zi Qing's eyes.

There was still shock in Zi Qing's eyes at this moment. She thought it was a flower in the mirror, a flower in the mirror, and the moon in the water, but she didn't expect that she seemed to be involved in it, and even, she seemed to have returned to the 21st century.

At this time, Zi Qing didn't seem to notice that the clothes on her body were no longer the fluttering sleeves and the appearance of an ancient costume, but a modern one, with a T-shirt and jeans, sexy and exquisite figure, The man behind him was almost drooling.

"Where is this place?" At this moment, Zi Qing wanted to figure out where she was.

Zi Qing's voice was like an oriole coming out of the valley, it was extremely clear and refreshing, especially the man with a sperm upper body. At this time, the saliva in his mouth finally flowed out.

"Beauty, this is Kyoto. In [-], where do you want to go, I am completely happy to accompany you!" Liu Yiyuan looked at Zi Qing eagerly. Such a peerless beauty was unexpectedly met by him. What luck?

When Zi Qing heard Liu Yiyuan's words, a trace of confusion appeared on her face, why did she come to Kyoto, the capital of China in the 21st century, and the time was still in [-].

If she remembers correctly, in [-], this year, she was stabbed in the back, and after she died, she traveled to Lingtian Continent, forgetting everything, and she didn't remember all this until she was reborn again.

Could it be that she was reborn here to get rid of the deepest pain buried in her heart back then, because of her betrayal, that's why she forgot that period of the past.

And now, the time has returned to the year after she was stabbed, what is she going to do?
(End of this chapter)

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