Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2481 Start Layout 5

Chapter 2481 Start Layout 5
The more Liu Yiyuan's friends talked, the more immoral they became. Fortunately, Zi Ting didn't show any signs of anger. Otherwise, Qin Liang didn't know if he would make any extreme moves.

His unresolved illness has not been cured, and he absolutely does not allow anyone to destroy it. Before, he was incapable of medicine, but now, he saw hope, how could he tolerate someone to destroy it.

Qin Liang's stern roar finally calmed down the scene, and made everyone dare not make trouble. In fact, Qin Liang felt that he was helping them, otherwise, their lives would be in danger at any time.

"Senior, you asked Liu Yiyuan about the Zi family, could it be you..." Qin Liang didn't dare to speculate, but judging from Zi Qing's name and demeanor, she must have a certain relationship with the Zi family, maybe...

Qin Liang is a smart person, even if he guesses that there is a certain relationship, he will not say it, some words only need to be dialed in a little bit.

"Senior, the Zi family is flourishing, and you can't deal with it alone. Maybe, I can help you!"

"That's right, senior, the Zi family is still quite powerful in China, but if you want to deal with them, our family can also help!"

"Senior, our family is also..."


The people present were all smart people. One sentence from Qin Liang let them know that Zi Qing wanted to deal with the Zi family. Although the Zi family was awesome, Zi Qing might not be bad. It should be right to take the next step and hold Zi Qing's thigh.

"Can you represent a family?" Zi Qing couldn't help laughing when she heard these words. Although it was only a slight smile, it was enough to make people's hearts flutter.

"This..." Zi Qing's words reminded them that although they are all the sons and grandsons of the family, they really cannot represent a family, and what they are fighting against is the Zi family.

The Zi family has an unshakable position no matter in the secular world or in the ancient martial arts world. Of course, because they cannot be shaken, the Zi family has also become arrogant. Although everyone is afraid of their strength, they secretly despise and despise them.

If the families can join forces, there is no need to be afraid of the Zi family.

However, it is really difficult to take that step. Who wants to be the first to eat crabs?
"I can represent the Liu family!" When everyone was expressing their opinions, Liu Yiyuan didn't say anything, but after everyone was silent, he spoke.

Liu family, he can!

"Senior, our Qin family can do it too!" It's time for the Qin family to be born, and the Zi family has been in the ancient martial arts world for too long, so long that they have forgotten that they are not a single-handed existence in the ancient martial arts world.

After everyone expressed their views, Zi Qing still had a calm look, and his expression did not change, "Zi Family, I don't pay attention to it, it's enough for me alone, but I want them to live in In pain, anxiety, and fear, hehehe..." Zi Qing didn't say much, but everyone present knew what her purpose was.

"I'll get someone to prepare it right away!" Qin Liang is definitely a man of action. After getting a definite answer, he immediately took action. As for whether Zi Qing will help him enter the innate realm, he believes that as long as he gets things done well , he is not far from the innate realm.

"Liu Yiyuan, five Yanyan Yishou Pills, you can decide for yourself!" After finishing speaking, Zi Qing left the room, leaving everyone looking at each other in blank dismay!
The date has been given to them, it depends on how they choose!

(End of this chapter)

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