Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2500 Are You Afraid 6

Chapter 2500 Are You Afraid 6
"You said, there is Zi Yuan joining here?" Zi Qingdao didn't know that the woman who asked Zi Yuan to take action would be Zi Yuan, and she never thought that Zi Yuan would help Zi Yuan.

Ziyuan and Ziyuan have similar names because they were born at the same time. However, they are not twins. They are half-siblings. Far can only be a younger brother.

Because they were born at the same time, Zi Yuan and Zi Yuan have a good relationship all along. If Zi Yuan wants to help Zi Yuan, Zi Qing will not think there is any problem, but the premise is that she is not dead. Before.

Her brother, she knows, has a very high IQ. Perhaps, he will not doubt Zi Yuan, but he will definitely not help Zi Yuan after he is dead, and with Zi Yuan's fighting power, he will definitely not be Xiao Liu's opponent , Ziyuan's shot was a bit weird.

"That day was my sister's May Seventh day. I was in a bad mood. Ziyuan didn't know where to get the news. She came to comfort me and said that my sister, in the spirit of heaven, doesn't want me to be so decadent. She said a lot, and I also listened to a lot. , until..." Even if Zi Yuan didn't explain the following things, Zi Qing could still guess.

I see!
Zi Qingdao didn't know that Zi Yuan's acting skills had reached the point of perfection, even Zi Yuan was tricked by him, and even had a grudge with Xiao Liu because of her.

If it wasn't for Xiao Liu who didn't know that her energy source was locked, Zi Yuan probably wouldn't appear in front of her now.

Borrowing a knife to kill someone, Ziyuan has never done it less.

"Xiaoyuan, do you know how I died?" Zi Qing's whole body seemed to become icy as soon as Zi Qing said these words. Although this time, the killing intent was not released, Zi Yuan felt it the most intensely. once.

"I was killed by Ziyuan, Qiao Yu, and the people of the Zi family!" With so many people joining forces, no matter how powerful she was, she would not be their opponent.

"It really is them!" Zi Yuan's eyes were also full of murderous intent. Although he suspected it, he was still unwilling to believe it without real evidence.

"Xiaoyuan, Ziyuan's acting skills have fooled everyone. This time, I clearly have the strength to wipe out the Zi family, but I don't. I want Ziyuan to die little by little under the eyes of everyone in the Zi family! "If it's just to let people die, she has a thousand ways and ten thousand ways, but she won't do that, she wants to break Ziyuan's mind and seek death by herself.

"Sister, tell me, what should I do?" Zi Yuan clenched his fists, his whole body was boiling with murderous aura.

"Xiao Yuan, the first thing you need to do is to detoxify!" Zi Qing knew that he was poisoned when he touched Zi Yuan's body.

Beauty drunk!
A nice name, but a deadly poison!
The beauty is drunk, people who are poisoned by this poison will not die immediately, the poison will penetrate into your skin little by little, and by the time the toxin flows through your body, it is too late.

Drunk beauty, drunk beauty, if the poison in your body is tragic, then when you watch yourself grow old little by little, in the last days of your life, you will become a mummy. accepted.

This is also the scariest thing about confidante drunkenness, but generally speaking, those who are poisoned by confidante drunkenness become women, why does the Zi family want to confuse Ziyuan with confidante drunkenness?
(End of this chapter)

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