Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2545 The Purple Family Conspiracy 3

Chapter 2545 The Purple Family Conspiracy 3
"Everyone, the auction is about to start, everyone, please follow me to your seat!" Yun Yi's voice sounded, attracting everyone's attention.

The purpose of their coming here is to participate in the auction. As for what happened before, it is just an appetizer. However, this appetizer also shocked them, especially the fighting power displayed by Zi Yuan, which shocked them. Make them tremble.

When the Zi family moved forward, everyone took a step back and distanced themselves from them. Although the Zi family was flourishing and powerful, whoever was able to enter the auction had no background and who did not. Power, naturally, will not be afraid of the Zi family.

"Father, you must avenge me!" Zi Qing had a pig-headed face, his eyes were full of ferocity, because there was no serious problem with his body, so he didn't go outside, because he also wanted to witness the Zi family's death. The moment when you are above everyone else.

Although he didn't go out, the pain on his face reminded him all the time that he wanted revenge for what Zi Yuan did to him, and he wanted to ruthlessly kill Zi Yuan's prestige.

Ziyuan, he must kill him!

"Don't worry, I will kill him and vent my anger on you!" Of course his son hurts, as the saying goes, it hurts his body and his mother's heart. As Zi Qing's father, he naturally won't just let it go.

Zi Yuan, before, was able to beat him like a dog, this time, he can do the same!

"Miss, sir, you two come with me!" The waiter suddenly appeared beside Zi Qing and Zi Yuan, motioning them to follow him, and he took them to sit down!

"Huh?" Seeing the waiter who appeared suddenly, Zi Qing's eyes flashed a look of surprise, but it quickly dissipated without being noticed.


She actually felt aura from this waiter. Although there was very little aura, at least there was. It seemed that this waiter came from the Yun family!
From Qin Ershu's words, Zi Qing also understands that in this world, anyone who has spiritual energy should belong to the Yun family. Except for the Yun family, there seems to be no family that has mastered the method of cultivating spiritual energy. Now, This waiter has spiritual energy, so naturally, it can only come from the Yun family.

Yun Tianchen, I don't know, will he show up this time?

"This box..." Zi Yuan's knowledge is also extraordinary. When he saw the box that the waiter brought them to, his eyes were full of surprise. Obviously, this box was not arranged for their status.

"Our boss specially reserved this for the two of you. If you two have anyone you want to invite, I can help you bring them here!" The waiter said this quite skillfully, because he didn't know whether Zi Qing would like to let other people enter this room. In the top box, he will only arrange according to her instructions.

"Let Qin Liang come here, others, no need!" After all, Qin Liang came together with them, and he also arranged for him to work before, if he was left outside, it would not be the same thing, although The box arranged for him may not be worse than this one.

"Sister, now you can talk about how to deal with the Zi family, right?" Zi Yuan is really curious about Zi Qing's actions, and he also understands that Zi Qing's move will definitely make the Zi family fall into a situation of eternal doom, but, Before that, he really wanted to know.

"Xiaoyuan, tell me now, it won't be exciting later!" Zi Qing smiled mysteriously, and the Zi family will surely fall into a situation of eternal doom, and they will uncover it with their own hands!
(End of this chapter)

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