Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2618 Work of the Century 4

Chapter 2618 Work of the Century 4
"Zi Qing!" Liu Cheng didn't know the meaning of Zi Qing's words at first, but after Zi Qing's explanation, Liu Cheng's complexion changed drastically, and he didn't know what to do.

You must know what an honor it is to be able to sit at the same table with these old people. Now, their hands are still shaking, but they are not as trembling as Zi Qing's words.

If these words were placed in the old society, the Manchus would be wiped out.

Although Zi Qing's words were casual, they also made the elders present frown. They all knew each other that they had opponents, but they all disdained using such indecent methods.

"What do you mean?" If there is toxin in their body, then their family doctor will definitely notice it, but none of them have any problem, and more importantly, they don't notice the toxin in their body at all. Toxic, although their bodies are not so strong, it is still possible to live for ten years.

"Your daily food must go through a series of processes, and even the ingredients are cultivated and cultivated separately, but only in this way, the toxins will be deposited in their bodies.

Are organic vegetables really healthy?
Right now, there is nothing wrong with your body, but what about a year from now?

The toxins in the body burst out, I am afraid that even the gods of Daluo will not be able to save you back! "

Zi Qing's words were not meant to scare them, but to tell the truth, as a doctor, Zi Qing would not hide any illness.

"You mean that the vegetables we eat every day are poisonous. It's not that someone poisoned them deliberately, but the ingredients themselves are not good!" I have to say that these old people's heads are very flexible. After she finished speaking, they Automatically translate into their own language.

"It can't be said that the vegetables are poisonous. I can only say that you eat too well and your body can't bear it!" Of course there is some poison, but it's not that serious. The toxins in their bodies are accumulated day and night, not over a period of time. only in.

"Eat! Eat!" After a brief silence, everyone began to eat again, but this time, everyone's eating speed slowed down significantly, especially those old people, although they didn't show it on their faces, but from their expressions Some can still be seen.

After eating, the elders didn't stay any longer, but chose to leave. Obviously, they needed further inspection.

They don't trust Zi Qing, maybe they only trust their family doctor, but now it seems that the family doctor is not reliable anymore, they have to go to the hospital for further examination!
"Grandpa Ge, Ge Dan has transferred his pharmaceutical factory to Ziyuan, and Ziyuan is very unfamiliar with the operation of the pharmaceutical factory. Then he will rely on Grandpa Ge's help, and I will also give Ge Dan and others Some shares, 5.00% each!

This is a prescription. Grandpa Ge has a look. Is there a market? "Zi Qing took out a written prescription from the space ring.

When he saw the prescription that Zi Qing handed over, Gessier's first reaction was not to look at the prescription, but to be shocked by the words on the paper!

"Good words! Good words!" Gessel sighed repeatedly, and when he read the words on the paper, he was stunned, his eyes full of astonishment.

"Grandpa, grandpa!" Everyone just looked at Gesier from shock to stunned, their eyes were full of curiosity, what exactly was written in Zi Qing's prescription that made Gesser have such an expression!
(End of this chapter)

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