Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2651 What a good means 1

Chapter 2651 What a good means 1
"Your Majesty, who is Mo Shuanghan?" Ouyang Feifei still has the potential of a woman's gossip. No, after seeing Zi Qing's pensive look, she knew that Zi Qing knew Mo Shuanghan, so she wanted to I know who this Mo Shuanghan is.

Zi Qing didn't pay attention to Ouyang Feifei. At this moment, her head was spinning at a high speed, letting her think what she wanted, but she didn't think of a reason.

"That evil beast, can you deal with it?" She also asked Qilin about the evil beast before, and there are some in the Forest of No Return at Night, but there is a little conflict with Ouyang Feifei's words.

The evil beast she was talking about seemed to be the big boss in the forest that does not return at night, not the kind of evil beast that makes trouble.

"Of course...not anymore!" Ouyang Feifei looked at Zi Qing apologetically.

That evil beast, even Master Buddha, may not be able to deal with it, she can't, but Zi Qing can!
Master Fozi told her that only Zi Qingzun can deal with evil beasts, and the others can't do it at all. All the key points are on Zi Qing.

Although, she is also puzzled, after all, Zi Qing's strength is not as strong as hers!

However, she firmly believed in Master Fozi's words!
"Your Majesty, although I can't do it, you can!" Ouyang Feifei immediately added after seeing Zi Qing's complexion change slightly.

However, after hearing these words, Zi Qing's face became even more ugly.

"Are you kidding me?" Zi Qing can also see Ouyang Feifei's strength, here Ouyang Feifei can restrain all evil forces, but now, she actually told her that she can't, but she can.

This is not playing with her, what is it!
"Your Majesty, how dare I play tricks on you? It was our Lord Buddha who said that all the key points are on you, and only you can destroy the evil beast!" Ouyang Feifei immediately said the words of Lord Buddha, Let Zi listen to the words without any changes.

"Ci Qizhi said it again?" Why, she felt that Ci Qizhi was becoming more and more like a magic stick?
"Yeah, it's our Master Fozi who said it!" Ouyang Feifei nodded repeatedly. She felt that if she nodded slowly, maybe she would leave a bad impression on Zi Qing. If she said some bad things in front of her, how could she hook up with Lord Buddha.

Yes, hook up!
Her ultimate goal is to be proud of hooking up with Lord Buddha, so at this time, she must stand on the same front with His Excellency, even if she betrays Lord Buddha, she will admit it.

She knew that if His Majesty spoke a few words for her in front of the Buddha, she would definitely refresh her sense of existence.

"God stick!" Zi Qing frowned angrily, and the same mouthful made Ouyang Feifei smile.

Just because of this sentence, she suddenly felt that she and Zi Qing were getting closer.

All the conversations between Zi Qing and Ouyang Feifei were secreted through sound transmission, so what they said, others could not know, and everyone just felt that there seemed to be something different between Zi Qing and Ouyang Feifei.

As the saying goes, there is no need to be suspicious, and there is no doubt about employing people. Now, they are all in the same camp. In addition, even if this person deliberately suppresses the Buddha's light on his body, he still cannot escape her eyes. Naturally, for Ouyang Feifei's words , there is no doubt about Zi Qing.

The only dissatisfaction is probably that Ouyang Feifei's appearance of pretending to be confused is too deceptive.

(End of this chapter)

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