Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2675 Hint 1

Chapter 2675 Hint 1
"Master!" At this time, Zixi's eyes were a little moist. He knew that once Ziqing agreed, it would be difficult to change. Although he didn't want Ziqing to face Jiangyin, he knew that even if he objected, there would be nothing wrong with it. effect.

"Zixi, don't be too touched, it's just revenge. You gave me so many things, I can't use what you gave me at ease if I do something for you!" Zixi is not just a weapon spirit, but also Her partner, he had given her so much.

It is true that Zilan space is her space, but without Zixi's help, even if she controls Zilan space, she will not be able to exert its true power.

So, in the final analysis, Zixi still gave her a lot.

After hearing Zi Qing's words, Zi Xi stopped talking. He knew that no matter how much he said, it would be more practical to do more. Because of this, in the Zi Lan space, the pills and weapons would be real. Even cheaper than Chinese cabbage.

"Wolf King, do you want to leave the forest that does not return at night?" Closer to home, although she and Zixi had such a long conversation, in fact, it just happened in the blink of an eye, so the topic between her and the Wolf King will continue. go down.

"Of course I want to, it's just..." It's just that they can't leave at all!

"I can help you leave the night forest, but you need to pay a price!" If the contract is made first, and then the contract is terminated, it will cause some damage to the wolf clan, but it can make them escape from the night forest. No return to the forest.

"What price?" If the price is too high, then it can't agree on behalf of the wolves.

"Contract, then terminate the contract!" I believe that the wolf king will understand after hearing her words.

Sure enough, after hearing Ziqi's words, the wolf king's expression became ugly.

It's not because of the word "contract" in Zi Qing's mouth, but because Zi Qing feels that it is impossible for Zi Qing to contract them. If they can lose a little power to Yebugui Forest, they are willing to do so.

"Ziqing, is it a family contract?" When he asked this question, the wolf king's voice was trembling with longing. This is his hope and his desire. Clan clan brought out the night never return forest.

"Of course it's the wolf clan!" Although the silver wolf clan is relatively large in number, with her strength, it's not a problem at all.

"Really?" Although Zi Qing had already given an affirmative answer, they were still a little worried. After all, it is not something ordinary people can do to contract the entire wolf clan by themselves. do it!

"I never write a bad promise!" As long as it was something she promised, she never regretted it.

"Okay!" The wolf king is still very courageous. Although he hasn't seen Zi Qing's power so far, he believes her just because of her bearing!

"As you are now, if you don't make a contract, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of here, so..." Everything still depends on what they mean. Besides, when she said this, it seemed that she was forcing them to make a contract with her. In fact, she also It's just kindness.

Fortunately, the wolf king and wolf queen are quite smart. If they were replaced by other beasts, they might not be able to understand what she meant.

"No problem!" This time, before the wolf king could speak, the wolf queen spoke first.

Zi Qing didn't talk nonsense, and directly submerged all the mental power directly into the heads of the wolf king and the wolf queen, and in an instant, the power of the contract was formed!

(End of this chapter)

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