Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2689 Influx into the Snow Mountain 3

Chapter 2689 Influx into the Snow Mountain 3
Zi Qing ignored everything that happened inside and handed it over to Ouyang Feifei, so she didn't have to worry.

"Your Majesty, don't keep any of them, and I found a lot of good things on them!" Ouyang Feifei took out several space rings, and based on the principle of never missing them when passing by, Ouyang Feifei gave all the space equipment on everyone's bodies. I touched it.

Now that they're all dead, let their stuff do something.

"You keep it!" Zi Qing has no interest in the things in everyone's hands. Now she can't be said to be a fighter among local tyrants, but can also be said to be a local tyrant among local tyrants. Naturally, the things of these people, she is I don't like it.

"Master, there is something in the interspatial ring of the Jiangyin faction that is useful to you!" Although Zi Qing didn't like it, Zi Xi found a good thing, which is definitely a good choice for Zi Qing.

"Huh?" Zi Xi's words made Zi Qing stunned, obviously, she was going to do something about herself.

"There is a soul-fixing orb in his interspatial ring, which is very good for you!"

"Dinghunzhu?" Upon hearing the words Dinghunzhu, Zi Qing's body froze for a moment. Although her soul and this body are already compatible, in the final analysis, it is not the real soul in this body. Soul, if a powerful person wants to separate her soul from her body, then she can only watch helplessly.

However, with the Soul-fixing Orb, it is different. The Soul-fixing Orb can make the soul firmly attached to the body.

If it's something else, Zi Qing really doesn't like it, but she must get the soul-fixing pearl.

"Feifei, there is a Soul-fixing Orb, can you give it to me?" Zi Qing told Ouyang Feifei directly that she needed a Soul-fixing Orb, instead of expressing it in euphemistic words.

"Ah? Where is the Soul-fixing Orb? I'll find it for you!" Ouyang Feifei heard that Zi Qing wanted the Soul-fixing Orb, her first reaction was to find it for Zi Qing, and she didn't care at all. What is this Soul-fixing Orb? significance.

"Is this one?" Ouyang Feifei searched through these space rings, and when she saw a shining bead, she took it out.

"That's it!" Zi Qing nodded.

"Here, take it away!" Seeing Zi Qing nodding, Ouyang Feifei generously handed the Soul-fixing Orb to Zi Qing.

"What function does the soul-fixing pearl have, you should know?" Zi Qing didn't take the soul-fixing pearl, but it actually has other functions. For practitioners, the soul-fixing pearl is of great significance.

Zi Qing didn't know why the elders of the Jiangyin faction didn't take it after getting the Soul-fixing Orb, but she knew that the Soul-fixing Orb had not suffered any damage, that is to say, as long as she swallowed the Soul-fixing Orb Finally, others, don't think about using this soul-fixing orb again.

"I know, for me, there is nothing more important than making your lord's soul more stable!" As soon as Ouyang Feifei said this, Zi Qing frowned.

"Ci Qizhi also said that?" The soul is unstable, even Mo Ranchen doesn't know it, why would Ouyang Feifei know it?

"No, I saw it myself!" Ouyang Feifei looked at Zi Qing sincerely. Indeed, she saw that Zi Qing's soul was unstable.

In the eyes of others, Zi Qing's soul fits perfectly with this body, perhaps even Zi Qing didn't realize that her soul and this body are still a little loose.

(End of this chapter)

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