Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2730 King's Road 2

Chapter 2730 King's Road 2
"Master, in fact, other races live in the mountains and wild forests, and they are very content with the status quo and don't want to change, so..." Even if the Duke didn't say it clearly, Zi Qing knew what he wanted express meaning.

Those races have no ambitions and no desires. They are very content with their current lives and don't want to break their original lives. Zi Qing's arrival may disrupt their original world, so she shouldn't break their expected life. some life.

But their blood race is different. Their blood race has ambitions and desires. If Zi Qing can give them blood, then they will follow Zi Qing to the peak.

Of course, there is the most important point, as a person with the blood of gods and demons, it is absolutely unusual.

They want to help Ziqing reach the peak!

If before, their lifelong wish was to live under the sun, then now, after learning that Zi Qing possesses the blood of gods and demons, their wish has changed. They want to go to the top and stand on a high place overlooking the world.

The vampire's ambition is not hidden, but it is clearly revealed, and it is placed in front of Zi Qing so clearly. As long as Zi Qing gives them hope, then they will give her a complete world to be built by them world.

This point coincides with Zi Qing's thoughts.

If she wants to return to the Outer Worlds and the Divine Palace, she must become the king of this world, and to become the king of this world, it is absolutely impossible for her to achieve it alone. She needs power, and this power, the blood race is suitable.

Of course, the most important point is that they will not betray.

Once the contractual relationship is formed, it is impossible for them to betray!
"How many blood races are there?" The amount determines the amount of her blood. If the loss of blood exceeds the minimum standard of the human body, then she cannot do it.

Although she once ran out of blood, that was before, and now she doesn't want Mo Ranchen to worry, especially at this time when he is still cultivating.

It would be bad enough to distract him, so before she started, she wanted to make sure of her own life.

"The number of the entire blood race can be described as tens of thousands, but there are probably only more than 1000 in human form!" More than 1000, in the Duke's opinion, are too few.

But for others, this is definitely a very large amount. The attack power and resilience of the blood race are not comparable to ordinary people.

Ordinary wounds can be completely healed in a few minutes. This kind of recovery ability is definitely a cheat in battle!
Therefore, the number of more than 1000 still surprised Zi Qing.

However, fortunately, it was more than 1000, which she could bear.

"You arrange it, and the day will start!" The eight words in Zi Qing's mouth are undoubtedly the sounds of nature.

Hearing Zi Qing's words, the eyes of all the vampires in the study were full of excitement.

The longing and anticipation for so many years is finally coming true.

"Go!" Zi Qing waved her hand, gesturing for the other vampires to leave, but left behind the two vampires Duke and Earl, because she still had something to ask these two.

"Your names?" From before to now, Zi Qing still doesn't know the names of these two vampires.

"My name is Notting!" said the Duke.

"My name is Nohan!" said the Count.

(End of this chapter)

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