Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2737 2 Clans Join Forces 3

Chapter 2737 The Two Races Join Forces 3
"My lord, the mistress told me, your father, he..." The palace master didn't know how to speak, but he felt that he had to tell him about this matter.

Your skin and hair is from your parents!
In addition, Mo Shuanghan was doing things for Mo Ranchen's safety, so he had to tell him!

"What's wrong with him?" Mo Ranchen's heart trembled when he heard the Palace Master say about Mo Shuanghan, and suddenly, he had a bad intuition.

"The mistress said that your father is colluding with evil beasts and doing some unacceptable things, and he is doing this because he wants to help you block the robbery!" The palace master said it one by one, he knew, Mo Ranchen can understand it without him repeating it!

"Evil beast? How dare he seek skin from a tiger!" Mo Ranchen's first reaction when he heard the words of the Palace Master was that Mo Shuanghan was so stupid to collude with the evil beast.

Evil beasts, the evil beasts that Mo Shuanghan could take a fancy to, must be very powerful, not ordinary evil beasts, and how could a powerful evil beast be controlled by him.

What is he thinking?
Although his starting point is for him, he doesn't need him to be like this. He will plan his future life himself!

When he did that, he was not the only one who was hurt. The ambition of evil beasts was always obvious.

Mo Ranchen didn't know what method Mo Shuanghan used to collude with the evil beast, but he knew that Mo Shuanghan would definitely pay a certain price.

At this time, Mo Ranchen, because of the recovery of memory, let him know that he is not just Mo Ranchen, so when he suddenly heard the words of the Palace Master, his mood was greatly affected.

His father, Mo Shuanghan, his former master, no matter what kind of identity he appeared in front of him, was related to him, but now, he made a deal with the evil beast because of him.

This kind of love is too heavy for him to bear!

"Where is he?" If he wanted to stop Mo Shuanghan's further actions, he needed to come forward, but at this moment, it was not suitable for him to leave the Shenfu.

"My lord, you can't leave the Divine Palace. Once you leave, they will discover your existence! Although the God Realm has begun to turmoil, the other realms have not yet started. Therefore, during this period of time, you must Stay in the Divine Palace!" Now Mo Ranchen can't walk around at will, if they find out, it will be terrible.

"Night does not return to the forest, we have already sent people to investigate, my lord, you don't have to worry!" The palace master had already taken action after hearing Zi Qing's words.

The Palace Master's words made Mo Ranchen calm down, and the whole room was extremely quiet!

Zi Qing, who was in another world, also fell into deep thought.

Blood clan, wolf clan, and human race, once the three races go to war, it will definitely be a disaster, and she doesn't want to see this scene, but if she wants to become the king of this world, she must do so.

Is there any way to stop all this and make her the king of this world?

Is there a way to have the best of both worlds?
"Master, three days later, our blood race will all come here, you see, you..." Nuo Ding's words are telling Zi Qing, three days later, all of their blood race will gather here, swallow Zi Qing's blood, let Zi Qing Pour ready.

"I know!" Three days later, it was also her first step in this different world!
(End of this chapter)

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