Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2745 Fright from the Blood Race 5

Chapter 2745 Fright from the Blood Race 5
ooh ooh...

When the first ray of sunlight shone on the earth, the whole wolf clan started to move, and roars of wolves came out from the mouths of the wolves.

In an instant, the wolves moved!
Their counterattack has begun!
At the same moment, the blood race was also in a state of excitement. When Nuoding stood under the sun and accepted the sunshine, he burst into tears.

This feeling of being illuminated by the sun is so good!

How many years, how much their blood race has waited, no blood race has ever dared to stand under the sun, but he did it!

He stood under the sun, feeling the warmth of the sun.

All the vampires roared, their voices shook the sky, and they were frightened when they heard the human race outside, their eyes were full of horror.

The blood race seems to be different!

Where has the blood race become different, but completely different, at least, they can live in the sun now.

No one knows what the blood race has experienced, but when the blood race stood in front of the human race, the whole human race was stunned, and of course, there were also the wolves.

When Lang Lang saw Nuo Ding standing in front of him, he couldn't stop the surprise in his eyes. If he didn't know that it was Nuo Ding standing in front of him, he would have thought it was someone wearing a human skin mask and joking with him .

Similarly, Leng Qiushui also looked at Nuo Ding standing in front of him with a look of astonishment, and the surprise in his eyes could not be stopped.

The next day, early in the morning, he was given such a big shock.

"You are... Nuoding?" I couldn't believe it, and I didn't want to believe that Nuoding would appear in front of him like this, and it was still during the day.

If it was night, he wouldn't be so surprised.

Now, it's blue sky!

"Of course it's me, Leng Qiushui, you're surprised to see me!" Nuo Ding smiled at Leng Qiushui. There are multiple meanings in this smile!

"How is it possible?" Although he knew that the person in front of him was Notting, the Duke of the blood race, but it was impossible for the blood race to stand under the sun. Even if he really stood, he had to use a sunshade plate.

But now, Nuo Ding was really standing in front of him without any cover, which really made him too curious.

"Why is it impossible? You are all able to break the enchantment of the wolf clan. Why don't we allow our blood clan to break the curse? Stand in front of you!" Nuo Ding's words made everyone present fall into silence.

Indeed, as Nordin said, there is no absolute in everything, but the current situation is too dangerous for the human race.

The counterattack of the wolves, and the fact that the vampires can live in the sun, are all threats to the human race.

Human race, how should we deal with it?

At this time, all members of the wolf clan had already taken action, and the blood clan hovering above the sky made it difficult for Leng Qiushui.

Just tricky without any fear!
However, at this time, he had to consider the alliance between the Blood Clan and the Wolf Clan!
Once the two races join forces, the threat to the human race will be great!

The fighting power of the wolf clan, coupled with the resilience of the blood clan, this is definitely the biggest blow to the human race.

Fortunately, from the current point of view, the wolf clan and the blood clan should not have formed an alliance, otherwise, Lang Lang would not be so surprised when he saw Nuoding!
It's a pity that his wishful thinking hadn't started yet, but he was stunned by the words of Nuo Ding and Lang Lang...

(End of this chapter)

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