Poison doctor witch

Chapter 481 The Big Winner 2

Chapter 481 The Big Winner 2
Lose, when the word "lose" formed in his mind, Du Hai's body trembled, and there was disbelief in his eyes!

In his mind, he automatically thought that their Sunset Mercenary Group would lose.

How can this be?

However, this has never happened before, this is the first time it has happened.

Could it be, this time, they will really lose!
This time, they will never lose. Most importantly, they will never lose in the first match.

Just as Du Hai guessed, they would never lose the first match.

No matter how powerful Xia Huan was, she was only a purple-level spirit, so how could she be the opponent of a god-level powerhouse.

"Xia Huan, you fire mercenary group is willing to let you die, but I can spare your life, as long as you become my woman in the future!" Yin Quan said with a wretched face. It was full of jokes at this time.

"Forgive my life, it's only your ability, haha..." Xia Huan sneered, if there was no jade talisman provided by Zi Qing, maybe she really couldn't laugh, but now, after hearing Yin Quan's words, she I think it's too ironic.

With his strength, it is absolutely impossible to break through the power supported by the jade talisman.

Even Nine-Tails couldn't break through, let alone Yin Quan, there is no comparison between the two.

Seeing Xia Huan's sneer, Yin Quan was furious, and without giving Xia Huan a chance to react, he directly attacked her.

Sneak attack, full of sneak attack!

A god-level powerhouse actually sneak attacking a purple-level spirit person, if you say it, you will definitely be laughed out of your teeth.

But now, he actually attacked Xia Huan in full view, which was indeed the style of the sunset mercenary group.

Seeing Yin Quan's sneak attack on Xia Huan, the members of the Raging Fire Mercenary Corps all clenched their fists, looking angrily.

Even Huo Huo and others were paying attention to everything on the scene at this moment.

Although they knew that the jade talisman provided by Ziqing was very powerful, and they had seen the energy released by the jade talisman with their own eyes, but this time, they were facing the sunset army.

This made them all nervous, holding their hands tightly together, looking at the competition stage without blinking, for fear of doing something.

Du Hai didn't pay attention to the situation on the stage, because he knew that no matter how the fight went, the final result would definitely be Yin Quan's victory.

All he needs to observe is Huo Huo's reaction. If Huo Huo is confident, then there must be something wrong with this match. Fortunately, Huo Huo's expression made him feel relieved.

Huo Huo's nervousness just showed that he was restless inside. It seemed that he was putting all his eggs in one basket, otherwise, he would not have reacted like this.

Originally, he thought about letting the weakest player on their side play in the next game, but now it seems that it is unnecessary.

Fortunately, Huo Huo didn't know what Du Hai was thinking at this time, otherwise, he would have laughed three times. If he really changed his strategy, then their side would have to make adjustments accordingly.

Du Hai is conceited and clever, guessing everything about others, but he can't guess Zi Qing's next strategy.

Xia Huan is also a calm person, as soon as she saw Yin Quan's body move, she crushed the jade talisman tightly held in her hand.

As soon as the jade talisman was broken, a huge energy halo enveloped her, and when Yin Quan's attack came towards her, she was blocked by the halo.

At the same time, Xia Huan's attack was also heading towards Yin Quan...

(End of this chapter)

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