Poison doctor witch

Chapter 483 The Big Winner 4

Chapter 483 The Big Winner 4
All of Xia Huan's actions were designed by Zi Qing, and even Xia Huan's direct jump off the competition stage was planned by Zi Qing at the beginning.

The reason why she let Xia Huan appear first was to confuse Du Hai, and another important reason was that Xia Huan was a woman.

If Rang Huo resolutely retreats without a fight, he will never agree. A person like him will only fight to the death and will not retreat.

But Xia Huan was different. After hearing Zi Qing's proposal, Xia Huan followed her orders without even telling Huo Huo and others.

When she jumped off the competition stage, Huo Huo was also surprised for a moment, but soon, he understood the whole story.

In particular, the moment Xia Huan jumped off the stage, he was attacking Yin Quan. Most importantly, Yin Quan was poisoned at this time.

Yin Quan's poisoning was of course related to Xia Huan, and the reason why Xia Huan was able to poison her was all because of the medicinal powder Yu Ziqing gave her.

Zi Qing calculated step by step, sketched step by step, everything went according to her calculation, even Yin Quan dismissed her attack, when she saw that Yin Quan didn't dodge and came directly to meet her, Xia Huan was shocked.

However, this shock was hidden by Xia Huan, and she couldn't show the slightest bit.

When she jumped off the competition stage, her eyes never moved away from Yin Quan's body. When she saw Yin Quan's face was quite ugly, and then he vomited blood, she knew she had succeeded.

Even though she retreated without a fight and made people look down on her, she succeeded. She succeeded in poisoning Yin Quan.

However, what Xia Huan didn't expect was that the eyes of everyone looking at her did not look down upon her, but admiringly.

Everyone knew that the members of the Sunset Mercenary Group were vicious, and there was nothing wrong with Xia Huan's doing so. Instead, it made the members of the Sunset Mercenary Group ugly.

She jumped directly from the competition stage, and it was immediately known to others that if she was still standing on the competition stage, the cruel means of the sunset mercenary group would be doomed.

Death was Xia Huan's only way out, but she took the initiative to jump off the competition platform, so she could survive.

Yin Quan was still vomiting blood, his vital signs were getting weaker and weaker, and his eyes were starting to lose their focus.

Du Hai's complexion became more and more ugly, and there was nothing he could do about Yin Quan.

Yin Quan also took the detoxification pill, but it had no effect.

Once Ziqing's poison came out, it was definitely not something that Du Hai could cure, so Yin Quan's death was also doomed.

"Zi Qing, Yin Quan, this is..." The flame transmitted the sound to Zi Qing. The reason why Yin Quan did this was unknown to others, but he understood, it was not Zi Qing, or someone else.

"Death!" The word "death" said everything.

She said that she wanted the soldiers of the sunset army to die, so she would not miss any chance.

She will let Ouyang Mingri watch the people of the sunset mercenary group die one by one, in full view.

This time it was a competition, and neither side should be held accountable for what happened. Therefore, even if the members of the Raging Fire Mercenary Group killed all the members of the Sunset Mercenary Group this time, the Tianji Pavilion could not be held accountable.

After learning that the Sunset Mercenary Group is the minion of Tianji Pavilion, she began to make arrangements.

Fortunately, she did not disappoint, and Zi Qing's lips could not help but raised a gorgeous smile, which was very beautiful and touching, but in the eyes of Huo Huo, it looked so evil and so frightening!

(End of this chapter)

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