Poison doctor witch

Chapter 496 Please Don't Go 2

Chapter 496 Please Don't Go 2
"Uncle Huo, the Raging Fire Mercenary Group has become a fifth-level mercenary group, so I'll go back to the academy first!" Although there is still a battle, Zi Qing believes that Huo Huo will definitely take Du Hai down, and Qu will take him down in one fell swoop. Get rid of it, because he will never let hidden dangers remain.

"You're leaving?" Hearing Zi Qing's words, Huo Huo was a little surprised, but he didn't try to hold her back. Zi Qing is a person with ideas, and once she makes a decision, she won't change it easily.

"Well, it's time to go back too!" In the past few months, she had not received any news from Ling Haoran, which made her feel a little uneasy.

Although she knew that with Ye Wushuang and others accompanying her this time, the possibility of an accident was unlikely, but she felt a little panic in her heart, as if something was about to happen, so she wanted to return to Lingtian Academy in the shortest possible time.

"Okay, then you pay attention to safety, but tonight, you can't leave!" Tonight is the celebration time for their fire mercenary group. As the biggest contributor this time, he will not let Zi Qing say anything left.

"Yeah!" Zi Qing nodded, she would definitely not be able to leave today.

After Zi Qing finished talking with Huo Huo, Mu Ruyue came to Zi Qing's side, "Zi Qing, are you leaving?" Although she didn't hear her conversation with Huo Huo, she was as smart as Mu Ruyue, so she guessed it A little bit of the situation.

"Yes, do you want to leave together?" She came with Mu Ruyue, so she should also leave together.

"This time, I will stay in the Raging Fire Mercenary Group for the time being. I can't let Xiaotao go!" If she didn't meet Xiaotao here, maybe she would leave with Ziqing, but here, if she met Xiaotao by accident, then She will not leave until Xiao Tao's body is fully recovered.

"We can take Xiaotao to Lingtian Academy!" Zi Qing also thought about it, this time, she also wanted to take Xiaotao away.

Xiaotao's body needs to be recuperated, and Lingtian Academy would be a good choice.

"I need to ask Xiao Tao's opinion!" She respected Xiao Tao's idea, and if Xiao Tao wanted to stay, then she would stay with her for a while.

"Okay!" Indeed, this time, she lacked consideration.

The two talked while walking, but were stopped by someone in the middle.

"How are you, two beauties!" A hand barred in front of them, blocking their way.

After hearing this frivolous voice, Zi Qing and Mu Ruyue frowned at the same time, "What's the matter?" A cold voice came out of Mu Ruyue's mouth.

"It's nothing, I just want to invite two more beauties to dinner!" The person who stopped them was none other than the young city lord they met when they entered the mercenary city for the first time.

"Sorry, they have an appointment!" Just as Zi Qing was about to speak, Huo Yi's voice suddenly came from the side.

Similarly, Huo Yi's voice was cold, and he looked at the young city lord with serious eyes.

Without waiting for the young city lord to speak, Huo resolutely took Mu Ruyue's hand and strode forward.

Seeing the two people going forward, Zi Qing was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly realized that there was a smile on the corners of her lips.

If these two indifferent people come together, it may be a good choice.

Mu Ruyue didn't expect that there would be a man holding her hand. Looking at the cool Huo Yiran beside her, she actually forgot to shake off Huo Yiran's hand. Just like that, they interlocked their fingers and walked forward... …

(End of this chapter)

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