Poison doctor witch

Chapter 633 Not Her Match 8

Chapter 633 Not Her Match 8
"I'm guilty! However, I only know that I shouldn't have helped Hong Danbi!" Jubie was convicted, and his only mistake was helping Hong Danbi.

Ever since he saw Hong Danbi embezzling such a large amount of money from Tianxiang Pavilion just now, he knew that he was tricked by Hong Danbi, and he was tricked all over the place.

However, he asked himself that he was not sorry for Tianxiang Pavilion.

Perhaps, when everyone else was greedy for Tianxiang Pavilion's money, he was trying to change the structure of Tianxiang Pavilion, so when Zi Qing questioned him, he only knew one crime.

"Since you know your mistake, you should take over the loose sand left behind by Hong Danbi. It will take three months. If it takes three months, you will not be able to make her and your own Tianxiang Pavilion have a good relationship." If it gets better, then..."

"I will take the initiative to leave Tianxiang Pavilion!" Before Zi Qing could finish speaking, Jubiye cut off Zi Qing's words and continued.

"Okay!" Zi Qing smiled slightly at Jubie. For Jubie, she valued him more than anyone else present. Such a person, once he showed his loyalty, would not betray him. She needed such a person!
After Zi Qing finished speaking, he turned his eyes to the people, and when Zi Qing looked at them, everyone's bodies froze, and there was a trace of panic in their eyes.

"I'm guilty, I shouldn't be greedy!"

"I'm also guilty, I shouldn't use the money from Tianxiang Pavilion!"

"I know that I have sinned, but I hope the pavilion master will let me go. I will devote myself to working for Tianxiang Pavilion!"


Someone started, and everyone present confessed one by one, the sincerity in their eyes made Zi Qing nod slightly.

These people are the basis for Tianxiang Pavilion to continue to operate. Of course, she will not veto them all. Besides, some of them are not bad.

"Everyone is tired today, so let's take a rest here, go back tomorrow, and take good care of Tianxiang Pavilion!" Zi Qing specially emphasized the words "work hard", she doesn't mind beating them often, let them know, don't worry about it. You should use your thoughts that you shouldn't have!
Zi Qing didn't say anything, but this sentence was also telling them in a disguised form that she didn't need to pursue everything before, but in the future, that might not be the case.

If they move something they shouldn't have, they will be responsible for all the consequences.

Just like what she said to Hong Danbi, Tianxiang Pavilion is an intelligence organization, if they make any changes, what they do will not escape her eyes.

When the time comes, it will be easy for her to deal with them.

Everyone also knew the situation, so they restrained what they shouldn't have.

If they still want to regard themselves as Tianxiangge people, then they have to keep their own place.

With a heart full of apprehension, everyone withdrew from the conference hall.

"Papa..." The applause was thunderous, and Yu Linglong couldn't help but admire Zi Qing.

This battle was fought well, well, and top-notch!

Even she couldn't do that.

"Zi Qing, I'm proud of you!" Yu Linglong looked at Zi Qing excitedly, she really didn't expect that Zi Qing could conquer everyone in the shortest time.

Maybe even these people didn't think about it, they came here excitedly, and went back disheartened. In their eyes, Zi Qing, a half-old child, was able to control the overall situation and make them speechless.

If they hadn't experienced it personally, they would never believe it, nor would they believe her swift and resolute actions, they would surrender themselves!

(End of this chapter)

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