Poison doctor witch

Chapter 638 Open confrontation 5

Chapter 638 Open confrontation 5
"Since you're not a vegetarian, why haven't I seen you take any action for so many days?" The light words instantly made everyone's hair stand on end, with a feeling of shuddering.

"Because...because..." Everyone was speechless, not because they didn't want to resist, but because they had no right.

"Because of what?" Zi Qingdao was a little curious. Since she couldn't help but want to make a move, why didn't she change the business model? She remembered that she gave them the right.

"Because they are afraid of failure!" Everyone didn't dare to say it, but it didn't mean that Xiaolan didn't dare to say it. No, she opened her mouth when everyone was hesitating.

Yes, they are afraid of failure. They are afraid that their failure will make Tianxiang Pavilion worse. Of course, they are afraid that Ziqing will kick them out of Tianxiang Pavilion after failure.

They are afraid of Zi Qing's methods, so even if they want to do it, they dare not do it.

Hearing Xiao Lan's words, Zi Qing couldn't help laughing, but it was a sneer.

It seemed that she really thought highly of them and gave them rights, but she didn't know how to do it herself. If so, she didn't need to give them rights at all.

"I didn't dare because I was afraid. In this case, it's no wonder that Danbi Pavilion is going to shout!" Zi Qing thought, these people must have a plan, but it didn't occur to them that they didn't even dare to think about it.

I didn't think about it, no wonder I let Danbige stand on top of my head, shitting and pissing!

"Pavilion Master, do you have any good plans?" Xiao Lan followed Zi Qing for three months, although she didn't serve Zi Qing much during these three months, she still got a feel for Zi Qing's temper.

If she talks like this, she must have a plan already.

"The plan has always been in my mind. I thought I wouldn't use it because I believed in your strength, but unfortunately..." Zi Qing didn't go on with the rest of the sentence.

Because at this time, everyone has lowered their heads.

"I'm sorry, Pavilion Master!" With a plop, everyone knelt down in front of Zi Qing, their eyes full of remorse.

For three months, they actually missed it like this, no wonder Danbi Pavilion was so clamorous.

Damn, damn them!

"Do you know why I closed the gate for seven days?" Zi Qing had her reasons to close the gate for seven days. After waiting for it to be opened again, everyone didn't know or understand what it would be like.

Everyone fell into silence again, because they didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Ziqing Gourd.

"Pavilion Master, don't be so secretive, tell us quickly, I'm super curious!" Compared with them, Xiaolan is much more lively, at least she dares to let go in front of Ziqing!

Hearing Xiaolan's words, everyone nodded repeatedly, blinked eager eyes, and looked at her steadfastly.

"You have to learn everything in this file within seven days!" Zi Qing took out a file and put it on the table.

"What is this?" Xiaolan's eyes were quick and her hands were quick. After Zi Qing took out the case file, she grabbed it in her hand and began to read it.

"Wow!" Xiaolan couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw the things on the case file.

The moment the voice sounded, everyone's hearts beat violently, "Xiaolan, what is on this case file?" They were curious, they had strong curiosity!

"Look for yourselves!" Xiaolan handed the file to everyone, and when they saw what was on the file, they couldn't help but let out a burst of surprise!

(End of this chapter)

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