Poison doctor witch

Chapter 660 Shameless 2

Chapter 660 Shameless 2
Mo Linghan, it was actually Mo Linghan who wanted to see her!

Although I thought about it, this time, maybe Mo Linghan sent someone here, because he would not let someone with the same name as Zi Qing.

But now, when things became real, her mood was greatly affected.

If it weren't for her knowing that she couldn't release her murderous aura at this time, perhaps she would have been filled with killing intent long ago.

Mo Linghan, you wouldn't have thought that I climbed up from hell!
The corners of Ziqing's lips raised to look bloodthirsty!
Mo Linghan, just wait, in this life, I will let you enjoy everything that you have never enjoyed before.

Since the Mohist Dynasty is what you want and what you desire, then I will destroy it with my own hands.

After Eunuch Huang got into the sedan chair, he motioned for Zi Qing to follow.

I don't know if it was to give Zi Qing a bad start, but Eunuch Huang didn't arrange a sedan chair.

Zi Qing looked at Eunuch Huang who had already lifted the sedan chair and left without changing his expression, and summoned Xiaoyue out.

As soon as Xiaoyue appeared, everyone felt it was difficult to breathe.

At this moment, Xiaoyue was already a majestic silver wolf.

"Xiaoyue, please carry me to the palace!" Since there is no sedan chair, Zi Qing will not treat herself badly.

No, Xiaoyue was summoned out.

"Okay, master!" Xiaoyue shook her body, and in an instant, Xiaoyue's body began to swell.

When Zi Qing sat on the back of Xiaoyue's spine, she was definitely very attractive.

When everyone in Tianxiang Pavilion saw Zi Qing sitting on Xiaoyue Silver Wolf's back and walking away, everyone's jaws fell to the ground.

"My God, our pavilion master is so handsome!"

"Oh my god, it's the Gale Wolf!"

"Pavilion Master, you can't explain your power and arrogance!"

"It's so cool, you really deserve to be our Pavilion Master!"


After Zi Qing went away, it left everyone with infinite room for imagination!

When Xiaoyue passed Eunuch Huang's sedan chair and headed directly to the palace, Eunuch Huang and a group of people in the palace were dumbfounded.

They couldn't react, and when they did, they immediately sped up and headed towards the palace.

Finally, after a group of people turned their backs on their backs, Eunuch Huang finally arrived within a quarter of an hour after Zi Qing arrived at the palace.

Looking at the indifferent purple face standing outside the palace wall, Eunuch Huang's face became quite ugly.

Originally, he wanted to embarrass Zi Qing, but he didn't expect that the embarrassing person became himself.

If Mo Linghan hadn't been waiting for Ziqing, then he would never have let her go so easily!
"You, come with me, don't blame me for not reminding you, once you enter the palace, it's not up to you!" Eunuch Huang said viciously to Zi Qing, his eyes were full of stings.

Walking in the palace in memory, it is absolutely impossible for Zi Qing's mood to say that it will not be affected.

The imperial palace is a place that every woman yearns for, but it is a place that traps a woman's life.

At this time, even if Eunuch Huang didn't lead the way, she knew where they were going, but what surprised Zi Qing was that the place they were going to was the Zhengde Hall.

The Hall of Zhengde is not a place where everyone goes to court to discuss matters. Why did Mo Linghan choose to be in the Hall of Zhengde when he summoned her?
Could it be that Mo Linghan's power at this time is already comparable to that of his father, Emperor Mo?

If this is the case, then her road to revenge will be even more difficult.

The emperor's power is much greater than that of the prince, and the people who protect him will be much more powerful!
(End of this chapter)

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