Poison doctor witch

Chapter 678 Complete Surrender 3

Chapter 678 Complete Surrender 3
As expected of their mistress, even though she was not strong enough, she conquered them in her own way!

They are proud, they are conceited, but they are also daring.

This time, Zi Qing let them know their shortcomings!

They naively thought that no one could break through their defenses, and even the supreme powerhouse would take a little time to break through their defenses.

But now, Zi Qing broke through their defense in such a short period of time with her unique method.

This time the breach not only broke through their defenses, but also broke through their hearts.

Well done to their mistress!
Hearing everyone shouting in unison, smiles appeared on the faces of Zi Qing and Mo Ranchen.

She used her own way to determine her identity, and let them know that she was going to stand shoulder to shoulder with Mo Ranchen. Even at this time, she was still weak like an ant, but she believed that she would grow into a towering tree.

"Mistress, please tell us, what's wrong with our defense?" If it wasn't for their defense, Zi Qing couldn't have broken through so quickly.

"Your defense is too focused on yourself. Among you, the strength is uneven. I just choose the relatively weak one among you!" The words were not very clear, because Zi Qing wanted them to participate Enlightenment.

In fact, the reason Zi Qing was able to break through their defenses was, as she said, because they paid too much attention to themselves and forgot that this was a group.

The defensive power they built together, if their strengths are equal, then they will build a wall that is difficult to break through. Unfortunately, their strengths are different, some are high and some are low.

This way, there is a loophole.

Just like a wooden barrel, if small wooden blocks of different heights are built into a wooden barrel, then the water will not leak out of the high places, but the water will continue to seep out of the low places.

The same is true of their defense system.

Hearing Zi Qing's words, everyone fell silent!

They are not stupid, on the contrary, they are a bit smart. Zi Qing's words made them understand the loopholes in their defense.

Zi Qing's words pointed out a truth that they had never discovered for many years.

"Mistress, give us a day, when the time comes, you will break through our defense again!"

"Okay!" Zi Qing faced the battle, the corners of his lips slightly raised, and his eyes were full of confidence.

At this moment, everyone finally discovered why Mo Ranchen fell in love with such a woman!
Only such a magnificent woman is qualified to stand beside Mo Ranchen!
"Qing'er, this is the first time I've seen them look downcast like this!" Mo Ranchen held Zi Qing's waist and looked at the crowd with a smile.

"Aren't you afraid that I will attack your subordinates again?" Zi Qing was also full of smiles.

"It's best to hit them so that they can't get up!" Mo Ranchen waved his hand, building a natural barrier between them, his head slowly lowered, his lips slowly approached, covering Zi Qing's lips... …

After a long time, both of them were out of breath!
"Qing'er, where did you learn such a skill?" Mo Ranchen was a little curious, how did Zi Qing learn this skill!
"The world I've lived in before!" When Zi Qing said this, it was difficult to conceal the deepness in her voice.

At the beginning, as the No.1 of Furutake's younger generation, it was not because of her talent, but because she absorbed knowledge like a sponge!

(End of this chapter)

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