Poison doctor witch

Chapter 681 Complete Surrender 6

Chapter 681 Complete Surrender 6
"Hahaha... I succeeded, I succeeded, I finally succeeded!" Nothing is more exciting than this moment!
After countless failures, Zi Qing finally succeeded. She successfully superimposed the two spiritual powers together. Although it was the superposition of two non-contradictory spiritual powers, it was also a qualitative breakthrough for Zi Qing.

Seeing Zi Qing cheering happily, Mo Ranchen also smiled.

He just likes Zi Qing's unyielding temperament, the kind of temperament that gets stronger with frustration!

Such a person is the most real!

"My Qing'er, really amazing!" Mo Ranchen gave Zi Qing a thumbs up again!
It is true that Zi Qing is very powerful, and the spiritual power of the two superimposes. It took him half a day to master the knocking on the door. You must know that he broke through to the god level for a long time.

But now, Zi Qing is just a purple-level spirit, and he has mastered the knocking in a day. It has to be said that he is under a lot of pressure.

Such a talent is unavailable in the entire continent!

"Hey..." Hearing Mo Ranchen's words, Zi Qing was a little embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, mistress!" Mo Ranchen wanted to talk to Zi Qing, but was interrupted by his subordinates.

One day has passed, and they want to prove to Zi Qing that they are not weak!
Hearing the shouts of his subordinates, Mo Ranchen was a little unhappy. Although he did this, but at this moment, he felt a little regretful.

Regret, the original decision!

"Let's go, let me see how much they have mastered?" Zi Qing knew that none of Mo Ranchen's subordinates was weak. They must have discovered the questions she raised, so she wanted to see, they After a day, how far has the defense been played.

"Huh!" When Mo Ranchen appeared in front of everyone with Zi Qing, he snorted coldly, his face became more and more cold.

Seeing such a lord, everyone couldn't help shrinking their heads.

Although it is immoral to interrupt the love affair of their superiors, they still want to prove themselves, and they can't be blamed for this, who made the mistress so powerful!

"Okay, let's get started!" Zi Qing didn't care about Mo Ranchen's displeasure, she was excitedly preparing to hit everyone again!
After all, Zi Qing is still very funny.

Of course, everyone didn't know that Zi Qing wanted to hit them again, but they were full of confidence.

Previously, Zi Qing had said that they had loopholes due to strength issues. After a day of cooperation, they had already allocated them, and this problem would never occur again. Therefore, it was already impossible for Zi Qing to break through their defenses. possible.

But, the truth is cruel.

After they made defensive preparations, Zi Qing also began to break through all the way.

This time, compared to the first time, it was slower, but even if it was slower, it made them extremely speechless.

Their proud self-confidence was shattered at this moment.

However, it is precisely because of this that their admiration for Zi Qing has been endless like a torrent of water.

"Mistress, why did we fail this time?" Now they called Zi Qing as Mistress, and they didn't reject her at all. On the contrary, they called the word "Mistress" quite neatly and full of respect!

Zi Qing's two breakthroughs made them completely surrender. In their minds, only a woman like Zi Qing is worthy of their respect!

(End of this chapter)

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