Poison doctor witch

Chapter 702 Evil Xiu Liying 4

Chapter 702
"Bailiying, how do you feel?" Zi Qing looked at Bailiying who was in pain, and the smile on the corner of her lips grew stronger.

She knew the toxicity of Huodu Pill, even the god-level powerhouses couldn't resist it, let alone the purple-level Bailiying.

However, what makes Zi Qing different is that Bai Liying's strength has also improved significantly in the past few years.

When I first saw her, she was just a beginner at the blue level, but now, she has broken through all the way in more than two years, and now at the peak of the purple level, she is only one step away from entering the divine world. class.

Could it be that practicing evil skills can quickly increase strength?
Bailiying's aptitude is not one-of-a-kind, so if she wants to achieve such a breakthrough in strength in more than two years, it must not be because of her talent.

The reason why Bai Liying's strength has improved so much is because she practiced a technique that can absorb the spiritual power of others. The reason why she has the current strength is because she absorbed the strength of the old aunt who rescued her .

"Zi Qing, what do you want to know from me?" Bai Liying looked at Zi Qing in pain.

If she still doesn't understand Zi Qing's intentions by now, then she is not Bai Liying.

"Your life experience?" This is not Ziqing's gossip, but that she doesn't want any threatening factors in Misty Valley.

Since she is the owner of Misty Valley, she is obliged to protect the safety of Misty Valley, so she needs to know Bai Liying's identity.

"Birth experience? Don't you know?" Bai Liying was surprised for a moment when she heard Zi Qing's words.

Seeing Bai Liying's reaction, Zi Qing knew that she didn't know her background, otherwise, she wouldn't have reacted like this.

"Who was the person who rescued you?" This question was temporarily put on hold and changed to another topic.

"I don't know, I only know that she is a wrinkled old man, and she has already been buried in my hands!" When she said this, Bai Liying's face was full of ferocity.

If it wasn't for her, she wouldn't have stayed in this place for so long, and she wouldn't be mighty with these skeletons. What's more, she found that she couldn't get out of this palace at all.

Can't go out, thinking of this, Bai Liying suddenly laughed, "Hahaha..."

This time she fell into Zi Qing's hands, she definitely couldn't survive, she couldn't survive, and she wouldn't make Zi Qing feel better.

Fortunately, she saw hope when she was helpless.

Those who entered this palace could not go out at all, unless they died.

Of course, even if she dies, she can only become a skeleton, so Zi Qing cannot live if she dies!
"Zi Qing, hahaha... Do you know? If I die, you won't survive!" Bai Liying became happier as she thought about it, laughing louder and louder.

"What do you mean?" Zi Qing frowned when she heard Bai Liying's words. Bai Liying, this person has a vicious mind and is not comparable to ordinary people. When she saw her, she raised the 12-point question. Be vigilant.

"Those who enter this palace will never get out alive. Of course, if you can take me out, maybe I will take you out because of our past friendship!" Bailiying Her face was in pain, but the joy in her eyes dazzled Zi Qing.

"Really? Can't we get out without you? Are we going to stay in this palace without you? I don't think so!" Zi Qing will not be fooled!

(End of this chapter)

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