Chapter 741
Someone came, and as soon as these four words came out, the He brothers and sisters were stunned and did not respond at all.

Could it be that the location of the treasure they knew was discovered?

Otherwise, why would anyone come here?

Ding Ding Deng…

Before the He brothers and sisters knew what was going on, they heard the footsteps of people coming from a distance.

Someone really came over!
When this thought came together, they even felt a sense of despair.

If they are desperate in this way, then their despair will be even worse next time!
Before everyone arrived, Zi Qing gave each brother and sister of the He clan a pill.

"Hmm..." He wanted to ask Zi Qing to give them the elixir, but found that they were speechless.

Yes, they sadly discovered that they could only speak, but never again.

Does that mean they have become dumb?

A miserable voice came from their mouths.

After the voice was heard, they could no longer make any sound, and when the voice fell, it ended their right to speak.

Then let them be dumb!

After hearing the screams, the people not far away quickly came to where they were.

They came here, just as Zi Qing thought, they knew that there were treasures here, and they also knew the rules here.

So, all this way, they were all in peace, but now, they heard such a shrill scream.

This voice really makes the listener cry when he hears it!

Soon, everyone arrived at the scene of the incident.

When they saw such a delicate beauty like Zi Qing standing in front of them, they directly ignored the He brothers and sisters who were lying on the ground, speechless.

"Girl, why did you come here?" An old man who seemed to be somewhat honest and honest said.

"I said that I was just passing by, do you believe me?" As soon as Zi Qing said this, the eyebrows of the crowd became abnormal.

Passing by, have you ever seen someone passing by and coming here?

This place is not ordinary remote!

"I don't believe it!" After saying these two words bluntly, do you think they are idiots?

Passing by, passing peat!

"Then why did you come here?" Zi Qing kicked the ball to everyone.

As soon as Zi Qing said this, everyone suddenly wanted to say that they were passing by.

"Huh? What's the matter with these two people?" In order not to answer this embarrassing question, everyone finally saw the existence of the He brothers and sisters.

When they saw the tragic situation of the two, everyone was stunned and felt a little weird.

Could it be that to reach the land of treasures, one must go through many checkpoints. The reason why they can come here so smoothly is because someone broke the checkpoint before?
And now, to enter the land of treasures, this is the key?
It has to be said that these people's minds spread quite openly. Even the two He brothers and sisters who were lying on the ground with hypochondria would not be their opponents.

Zi Qing didn't even open her mouth to speak, so they found an excuse for her, what's more, they knew the result without her opening her mouth.

"It seems that we need to thank the two of them. Without the two of them, perhaps their tragedy would have happened to us!" The He brothers and sisters who were about to commit suicide couldn't help being stunned!
What's happening here?
(End of this chapter)

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