Poison doctor witch

Chapter 821 Manipulation Ability 3

Chapter 821 Manipulation Ability 3
"I'm going to the Land of Illusion!" Something happened to Lin Hongxi, she couldn't stand by and watch, and besides, when she heard the words "Land of Illusion", she felt that something was calling her.

Land of illusions?

Mo Ranchen frowned when he heard these four words, that place is not...

"Let's go together!" He came to Zi Qing for this matter, and now that he didn't speak, Zi Qing took the initiative to speak, which saved a lot of trouble.

He also didn't know why he insisted on going with Zi Qing, and subconsciously told him that if he took Zi Qing with him, at least he could escape unscathed.

Although he didn't know why he had this thought, but he knew that his sixth sense had never failed, so he wanted to bring Zi Qing along.

"When are you going to leave?" There are not many pills in Zilan's space, and she needs to hurry up to refine more.

"Tomorrow morning!" To go to the land of illusion, the sooner the better.

"Okay!" Zi Qing didn't show any hesitation, one day is enough.

"You still want to stay here?" The Great Elder looked at Zi Qing strangely. In half a year, she could actually stay on the ninth floor for half a year.

"Well, I'll go directly to the Great Elder tomorrow!" This place is the safest, and now, she doesn't go anywhere, just stays here.

You must know that no one has ever come to disturb this place for half a year, so this is the safest place in Lingtian Academy.

A day passed quietly, and Zi Qing was busy from head to toe in Zilan space, busy around, and finally refined a lot of elixirs.

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shone on the earth, Zi Qing also walked out of Zi Lan's space. As for Mo Ranchen, he did not follow Zi Qing out of Zi Lan's space.

They are going to have an "accidental" meeting, so it is not suitable for Mo Ranchen to come out now!
"Let's go, let's go!" After Zi Qing appeared, the Great Elder motioned for Zi Qing to fly the blue bird on his body.

Zi Qing looked at the other people on the blue bird's back, as if she didn't know any of them.

"Great Elder, why did you bring her along?" Everyone was puzzled by Zi Qing's appearance in their team.

You know, among them, the weakest ones are at the purple level, but the woman in front of me doesn't even seem to be at the blue level (Zi Qing has not been in Lingtian Academy for a long time, naturally, few people know her, Therefore, it is not clear what level Zi Qing has reached).

As for the Great Elder, he didn't realize that Zi Qing had already broken through the Purple Level and entered the God Level, which was the same level as him. Of course, if the two matched each other, Zi Qing would not be as good as the Great Elder.

However, if you use auxiliary tools, Zi Qing can completely abuse the Great Elder!
"She is the third elder's apprentice, the only apprentice!" As soon as the first elder said this, everyone present fell silent.

Since she is the only apprentice of the third elder, she should of course go together, but, can such a person really become their opponent?
The three-year agreement is approaching soon, and they are all participants of the three-year agreement, so after hearing that Zi Qing is the apprentice of the third elder, everyone became wary of her.

However, they really didn't pay attention to Zi Qing's displayed strength.

These people all have eyes on the top of their heads, and they look like their eyes are higher than the top.

Facing such people, Zi Qing is of course dismissive, as long as they don't provoke her, then she will treat them as air!

(End of this chapter)

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