Poison doctor witch

Chapter 823 Manipulation Ability 5

Chapter 823 Manipulation Ability 5
It's not manipulative ability, but something more powerful than manipulative ability.

Although she didn't know what it was, her instinct told her that she had to get that thing.

"Zi Qing, if you can obtain this ability, then you must guard your heart and don't let the evil lose your eyes!" This kind of power shocked the whole world.

If it was still a secret at the beginning, it is known to the whole continent now.

At this time, they rushed to the land of illusion, not necessarily without the intention of daring to enter the land of illusion in front of everyone.

However, what the Great Elder didn't know was that the senior management of Lingtian Academy had already set off one step ahead of them.

In order not to attract the attention of others, they kept the Great Elder from telling him to take some people and set off a few hours later than them. In this way, all eyes on the mainland would be on the Great Elder instead of them.

It has to be said that their calculations are also flawless.

It's a pity that some things cannot be succeeded by calculation.

Along the way, there were no surprises.

Blue Bird's speed is not bad, but compared to Nine Tails, it's really slow.

However, being slow has its advantages, at least she can ask the questions in her heart.

"Great Elder, what do you think is the purpose of your trip?" After the Great Elder said that there are things with manipulative power in the Land of Illusions, Zi Qing suddenly understood why the Great Elder brought these people with him.

Sound East and West!

She did not expect that the senior management of Lingtian Academy would use this trick.

Come to think of it, the ability to control is really important to them.

It is so important that they can abandon the Great Elder!
All along, she thought that the top management of Lingtian Academy were the most indifferent to fame and fortune, but she never thought that they also had selfish motives, and even had the ambition to dominate the mainland.

If it wasn't for this time, maybe she would really see it.

Lei Jingming, unexpectedly has such an ambition.

Zi Qing can see it, but the Great Elder may not be able to see it, he is just deceiving himself and others.

"I know!" Being able to become the Great Elder, how could he not understand that this kind of thing can only deceive ordinary people.

It is precisely because he knows that he feels helpless.

In order to achieve their own goals, even their own apprentices can be abandoned.

"Then what are you going to do?" It's her own intention to go to the land of illusion, and it has nothing to do with the elders. It is impossible for her to be with them when she enters the land of illusion. , Tell the matter first, so as not to be embarrassing in time.

"I'm going to let them leave!" He couldn't just watch these people go to die, he knew they were going to die, but he still watched them enter, at least, he couldn't do it at this level in his heart.

"Do you think they will listen to your words and leave?" Although these people have not had a deep understanding and contact with them, Zi Qing believes that they are not so easy to dismiss.

Furthermore, with their temperament above the top, they will never leave.

Most importantly, they came here on orders.

Even though she didn't know what their master said to them, Zi Qing knew that they must have been brainwashed, no matter what the elder said, they would not leave.

Not only will he not leave, but he will stick closer to the Great Elder.

Because they understand that only by following the Great Elder will they not enter the illusion in the land of illusions!

(End of this chapter)

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