Poison doctor witch

Chapter 840 The Power of Gods and Demons 2

Chapter 840 The Power of Gods and Demons 2
"Let's go in and have a look!" The Zixiao Palace is not something ordinary people can break into. The most important thing is that they don't know how many Zixiao Palaces there are.

According to historical records, Zixiao established Zixiao Palace in every corner of the world, and each Zixiao Palace has his power distribution. If he can enter Zixiao Palace and obtain his power, then it is absolutely It has benefited a lot.

Now, Zixiao Palace appeared in front of them, if they didn't go in, they would really be ashamed of themselves.

"Huh?" Zi Qing and Mo Ranchen went to Zixiao Palace hand in hand. After entering Zixiao Palace, Zi Qing let out a sound of surprise.

"What's wrong?" Mo Ranchen was a little curious after hearing Zi Qing's surprised voice.

"It seems that the underground palace I entered last time is a counterfeit!" Although the aura is somewhat the same, people with discerning eyes can still see the difference at a glance.

If Zi Qing felt that they were exactly the same outside, then after walking inside, she realized that there was a big difference.

Leaving aside the issue of the interior decoration, the power inside is quite different.

That palace was eerie, filled with skeletons and ghosts, but in this place, although the wind was blowing, she could feel a warm current in the wind.

That's right, it's warm current!
The so-called warm current is actually a force, a gentle force, but it is a bit weird to exist in the dark wind.

"Ranchen, how much do you know about Zixiao?" As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles. Now that they have entered the Zixiao Palace, should they get to know Zixiao better?

"I only know that Zixiao is narcissistic and conceited. He doesn't see others in his eyes at all. He looks like he has eyes above his head. Although he is powerful, he doesn't have a friend, not even a subordinate. For a long time, They all come and go alone." Mo Ranchen really doesn't know much about Zixiao.

It seems that these are all from the books!
"Then how does this Zixiao Palace exist?" According to what Mo Ranchen said, this Zixiao Palace may not necessarily belong to Zixiao.

Without the help of others, even if you have the ability to reach the sky, you can't build this palace.

If this was a cave, maybe Zi Qing would not have such doubts, but now, this is obviously a palace, and it is also a luxurious palace!

This has to make her suspicious!

Zi Qing's words made Mo Ranchen suspicious.

Logically speaking, Zi Xiao would definitely not have so much leisure time to build palaces, and besides, these palaces are too luxurious.

Although the gems inlaid on the wall are of little value, but for them, if they are ordinary people, after entering this palace, they will definitely pry all the gems on the wall away.

However, if these palaces were not built by Zi Xiao, who would they be?

Who used the name of Zixiao to build the Zixiao Palace, not just one, but countless times.

Furthermore, those who entered Zixiao Palace before did get a lot of benefits, and even survived part of Zixiao's power.

How should these be explained?
After hearing Zi Qing's words, Xiao Bai's expression was also shocked. He also ignored this point. From before, he really didn't notice that Zixiao Palace was not built by Zixiao!
(End of this chapter)

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