Poison doctor witch

Chapter 856: Many Treasures 5

Chapter 856: Many Treasures 5
"Are you sure it's okay?" Mo Ranchen was still a little worried, after all, the energy contained in Suzaku's natal essence and blood was extremely huge.

"It's really fine, look, the whole body is intact!" In order to prove that she was really fine, Zi Qing withdrew from Mo Ranchen's arms, turned around in front of him, and said that everything was fine.

Mo Ranchen kept looking at Zi Qing from top to bottom, and heaved a sigh of relief when he found that Zi Qing was indeed fine.

"Qing'er, this kind of thing is really not done by humans!" Mo Ranchen's words were a little out of his head, but Zi Qing understood, because she also felt the same way.

"Oh..." Youyou sighed!
"Go, find the space bracelet!" Zi Qing changed the subject, time was running out, they had to find the space bracelet in the shortest possible time.

"Where is this bracelet?" If she didn't know that the space bracelet is in this palace, Zi Qing would really suspect that there is no space bracelet here at all.

Because they basically turned the palace upside down, but they didn't find the space bracelet.

"Qing'er, it's not under the ground, will it be above?" There is no trace of the space bracelet underground, so is it above the beam?
Mo Ranchen's words reminded Zi Qing, and the two of them immediately flew away, looking towards the beam one by one.

"Yes, indeed!" Suddenly, Zi Qing's joyful voice came from a beam.

The space bracelet is actually on the beam, and it is still in such an obvious position.

Could this be the legend that the more dangerous the place, the safer, because before, they never considered that the space bracelet was on the beam, and they never thought that the bracelet would be placed in such an obvious place.

It was unexpected.

Fortunately, Mo Ranchen had an idea, otherwise, they might have missed this opportunity.

Zi Qing looked at the bracelet in her hand, with surprise in her eyes, she bit her finger, dripping blood onto the silver bracelet, and at the same time, complex lines entered into the silver bracelet.

When the red blood dripped onto the silver bracelet, in an instant, a dark golden light was released from the silver bracelet, which was obviously the light emitted by the blood of gods and demons.

In order to open this silver bracelet, in addition to using complicated patterns to drive into the silver bracelet, the blood of gods and demons is also needed.

Therefore, this silver bracelet has added double insurance!
She, Zi Qing, is also destined to be the owner of this silver bracelet!
In heaven and earth, she is the only one who has the blood of gods and demons!

When the silver bracelet was opened, Zi Qing was stunned, her eyes didn't blink!

Treasures, a lot of treasures, all kinds of treasures, Ziqing was so dazzled by seeing them that she didn't respond at all!

Seeing Zi Qing's appearance, Mo Ranchen knew how shocking the treasure in this silver bracelet was.

Zi Qing is not a country bumpkin. On the contrary, she has more knowledge than ordinary people. After all, she has the Zilan space, which is a sky-defying space. Therefore, ordinary treasures will definitely not be seen by her.

But at this time, she was able to show such an expression, obviously it was the treasure in the silver bracelet, which shocked her.

"Ranchen, so many treasures!" Sure enough, after a brief shock, Zi Qing said such a sentence to Mo Ranchen.

"Is there a God Demon Bow?" With so many treasures, he doesn't want anything, the only thing he wants is the God Demon Bow!

(End of this chapter)

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