Poison doctor witch

Chapter 906 Defective Bloodline 5

Chapter 906 Defective Bloodline 5
Time has passed for a long time, so long that Zi Qing found that his legs were numb.

During the period when Mo Ranchen stimulated Mo Lingxi's blood, Zi Qing looked at Mo Ranchen very intently, and never moved her eyes away. Naturally, it was impossible for her to move her footsteps.

She stood where she was, waiting for Mo Ranchen to wake up.

One minute and one second, time flies!

One day and one month, fleeting!
I thought it would only take a few days to complete, but I didn't expect it to take a month.

For a month, Zi Qing didn't move at all, she was about to turn into a husband-seeking stone!

Fortunately, at this moment, Mo Ranchen finally opened his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Zi Qing looking forward to him. Suddenly, his heart warmed up. It's great to have such a caring person!
"Qing'er, thank you for your hard work!" There were not too many words, because Mo Ranchen knew that they didn't need other words to express their feelings.

They empathize, and so do their mood swings.

Therefore, no amount of words are useless!

"Duchen, why did it take so long?" He didn't complain, but just wanted to know the truth.

For Mo Ranchen's strength, Zi Qing knew about it, and it was because of knowing that she found it strange that the original few days were delayed to a month, but fortunately Yu Linglong and Hua Xirong were under the effect of the Jiuzhuan Huanhun Pill, It can also be dragged on for a year and a half.

"Because of this!" Mo Ranchen took out a red blood bead in his hand.

Because of this blood bead, so much time wasted.

"This is it?" Zi Qing looked at the blood bead, and had an idea in his heart.

"It's the defective blood of the Mo clan!" Mo Ranchen didn't expect that people from the Tianxia League could actually cultivate the defective blood of the Mo clan.

Even with a defective bloodline, there is still some restraint on him.

And with the passage of time, the defective blood of the Mo clan is constantly being purified, and is moving closer to the real blood of the Mo clan.

If it continues like this, the consequences will be unimaginable.

At that time, even if Hao Lianren doesn't do anything, he will be destroyed by those who have the blood of the Mo clan.

In order to deal with him, Hao Lianren really spent all his money!
The bloodline of the Mo clan is powerful, even if he is the real heir of the bloodline of the Mo clan, he has not fully stimulated the powerful power of the bloodline of the Mo clan.

It is precisely because of this that Hao Lianren will repeatedly kill people underground.

He wanted to destroy him before his blood was activated. If he really waited until the moment when he rose, maybe Hao Lianren would lose.

In fact, Hao Lianren was overwhelmed. If he hadn't dealt with Mo Ranchen first, Mo Ranchen would not have fought back.

After so many years, the power of blood that Mo Ranchen inherited was only three tenths, and seven percent was not inherited.

Even so, three-tenths of his blood allowed him to break through all the way to the Supreme God Realm. It has to be said that the Mo clan's blood is really powerful.

In fact, Mo Ranchen felt that Hao Lianren was constantly cultivating the inferior blood of the Mo clan, did he also think about changing his blood when the time was right?
Suddenly, this thought flashed in Mo Ranchen's mind. When he remembered this thought, Mo Ranchen broke out in a cold sweat from fright.

"What's wrong?" Zi Qing saw Mo Ranchen's body tremble, as if thinking of something terrible.

"It's nothing, I just don't want what I think to become a reality!" If this is the case, then things are really serious!
(End of this chapter)

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