Poison doctor witch

Chapter 916 Joining the Team 5

Chapter 916 Joining the Team 5
Zi Qing didn't expect that the Rising Sun Dongsheng Mercenary Group had such a purpose. Indeed, as Sister Wen said, there are many companions when a divine beast is born, but it also depends on what kind of divine beast is born.

With Qinglong's indomitable temperament, once the companion creature is born, it will definitely fall into his hands.

Furthermore, although Qinglong is still in its infancy, it is definitely not born now, so it is very difficult for them to obtain companion creatures, and it is even more difficult to obtain treasures from Qinglong.

Therefore, companions are their extravagant hopes.

Although Zi Qing understands, she won't say it out loud.

If they said it, then they would lose the confidence to enter the vast forest. If this happened, Zi Qing would have done something bad.

Even if she knew, she couldn't say it unless they realized it themselves.

It's a pity, they won't have such awareness at all, so, this time, they are destined to be disappointed.

"Ru Ye, after entering the vast forest, don't go too far, just follow behind our team, if something happens, run to the middle, and we will save you!" Sister Wen looked at Zi Qing's thin body, a little nervous. Don't worry, I gave Zi Qing a clear path.

Since Zi Qing was in the same team as them, they naturally wanted to protect her safety. Until now, Sister Wen hadn't discovered Zi Qing's true strength.

In fact, even the five brothers of the Yun family didn't realize that Zi Qing was a god-level powerhouse. In their opinion, at Zi Qing's age, he would not exceed the Zi-level at most.

So, they want to protect her, protect her weak.

It's just that what they don't know is that in this protection, they don't know who is protecting whom.

"It's too late today, we have to set up camp and enter the vast forest tomorrow!" At this time, Sister Wen had already left, and she said such a sentence before leaving.

Zi Qing looked at the vast forest not far away, frowning slightly.


Although separated by some distance, Zi Qing still noticed the subtle poisonous gas in the air, and the so-called poisonous gas came from the vast forest.

Obviously, the vast forest is poisonous.

This may be the reason why Sister Wen wants the Rising Sun Dongsheng mercenary group to camp now.

As a doctor, Sister Wen naturally understands that the vast forest is poisonous, and she also knows when to avoid these poisons.

Seeing the rising sun and Dongsheng mercenary regiment set up camp quietly, completely free from outside influence, Zi Qing nodded slightly.

The quality of everyone in the Rising Sun Dongsheng Mercenary Corps is good!
"Ru Ye, don't you have a tent?" Everyone had already set up the tent, but Zi Qing didn't make any moves.

From Sister Wen's point of view, Zi Qing is a person who opens his hands when he wears clothes and opens his mouth when he eats. It is understandable that she can't build a tent, but now, she doesn't even bring a tent, which makes her a little speechless.

In fact, it wasn't that Zi Qing didn't bring it with her, nor that she didn't know how to build a tent, but that her tent was different.

Once it is taken out, it will definitely blind everyone's eyes.

"I have it, it's just..." Zi Qing didn't know whether she should take it out, if she did, it would definitely attract everyone's attention, and even everyone's envy and jealousy.

She is not afraid of other people's frontal attack, but she is afraid of others making a fuss and attacking secretly.

Although none of the people present would threaten her life, there are some things that need to be taken precautions before they happen!
"Hmph!" Suddenly a cold snort sounded, and in an instant, everyone's eyes were directed to the place where the cold snort was located!

(End of this chapter)

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