Poison doctor witch

Chapter 945 The Slut Is You 4

Chapter 945 The Slut Is You 4
In the vast forest, Tianji Pavilion is trying to occupy the vast forest. Is it because of Qinglong?

Ever since she knew that Tianji Pavilion was a subordinate force of Tianxiameng, she became more determined to get rid of them.

But now, the people from Tianji Pavilion appeared in the vast forest. Obviously, they came for the treasures of the vast forest.

In Zi Qing's mind, the only treasure in the vast forest is Qinglong. If they really came for Qinglong, then this time, they collided together.

Qinglong, she will definitely make a contract. As for them, I'm sorry, but they are people from Tianji Pavilion, and she will not let them go.

Just like back then, when they attacked Zifu, all men, women, old and children were wiped out.

She will also let them taste the feeling of being wiped out!

Butterfly and Cobra looked at each other, then acted decisively and intuitively.

However, before they could make a move, a white fox appeared in front of the two of them, and immediately stopped one of them.

When he saw Nine Tails appear, Liang Bing's eyes were full of anger.

"Bitch, it's you!" Liang Bing's hateful voice resounded in this space at this moment.


Hearing Liang Bing's words, the eyes of Hua Die and Cobra flashed a puzzled look. Could it be that the names in this world are different now?

The person in front of me is obviously a boy, why did he become a woman?
Bitch, isn't that a title for a woman?
Could it be that the boy in front of him is a woman?
Nine tails is a fox with nine tails, which is really iconic, so Liang Bing recognized Zi Qing immediately.

No wonder, when he saw Zi Qing, he felt nauseous. It turned out that this person was his enemy, the greatest enemy in his life.

At that moment, Liang Bing also joined the battlefield.

Liang Bing's attack methods were few, and he didn't cooperate with Hua Die tacitly. No, he was going to attack Zi Qing, but he went towards Hua Die.

With a bang, Liang Bing slammed towards Hua Die with a heavy blow. If Hua Die hadn't had quick eyes and quick hands, he took out a big knife in an instant and laid it across his chest, he might have been knocked into the air by this time.

Although Liang Bing's strength was not as strong as Huadie's, but at this moment, he went crazy, with boundless strength, and he managed to force Qiongqi's bloodline out.

However, if his attack was directed towards Ziqing, then Huadie would give him 32 likes, but now, Liang Bing, regardless of whether he was an enemy or me, actually came towards him. What's more, he also discovered that at this time Liang Bing was already in a state of obsession.

If he is not allowed to regain his mind, then he will fall into ink, and once he becomes enchanted, it will be bad.

No, he must not be enchanted. If Liang Bing is enchanted, then it's fine!
The pavilion master will kill them.

How to do?
At this time, Huadie no longer attacked Ziqing, but was thinking of countermeasures, thinking of how to bring Liang Bing back to reality.

As for the Cobra on the side, he has already wrestled with Nine-Tails, and the fight is inseparable. However, from the flashback of the battle scene, it can be seen that Cobra is not Nine-Tails' opponent.

Not only is it not an opponent, there is no comparison between the two at all. Nine-Tails seems to be playing hide-and-seek with a cobra, it's just a joke.

"Liang Bing, calm down!" Hua Die beckoned, and a jet of water fell from the sky, hitting Liang Bing hard on the top of his head. He wanted to wake Liang Bing up with water.

Ice-cold water fell from the sky, and a rush of coldness rushed to the head...

(End of this chapter)

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