Poison doctor witch

Chapter 963 Wanting him to be ruined 2

Chapter 963 Wanting him to be ruined 2
"It doesn't seem to have any smell! Have you smelled it?"

"Maybe not!"

"I didn't smell it either! Is there something wrong with my nose?"

"If you are the only one who didn't smell it, maybe there is really a problem with the nose, but now, everyone hasn't smelled it!"


"It's strange, why didn't you smell it, a very strong smell, like, like..."

"It smells like a rotting corpse!" Nine Tails took over the words. As soon as the words came out, everyone's expressions changed, not to mention the secret of the person involved.

However, before Tianjizi could speak, everyone beside him spoke.

"Ah! It's actually a holy beast! I thought it was a pet beast!"

"Pey pet beast, all of your family are pet beasts!" Kyuubi was furious on the spot, not mentioning that it was a mythical beast, and being insulted as a pet beast, it was already worthy of them for not getting mad on the spot.

"Jiuwei, you really heard it clearly!" Zi Qing didn't want everyone's attention to be focused on Jiuwei. At that moment, the topic changed again and continued to focus on Tianjizi.

At this time, Tianjizi couldn't vent his anger even if he wanted to.

If it was only some people, maybe he still had the possibility to kill them, but now, with so many people, even if he was talented, he couldn't be the opponent of so many people.

Therefore, he can only endure!
However, what he doesn't know is why Zi Qing has such hatred for him?

If it was just what happened at Lingtian Academy back then, as far as Zi Qing's temperament is concerned, he would not hold grudges like this, unless there is something he ignored?
Tianjizi's mind began to recall constantly, and his attitude of keeping silent surprised everyone.

Logically speaking, the Pavilion Master of Tianji Pavilion would not let them talk like this!
Zi Qing also saw the vacillation of everyone's hearts, so now, make persistent efforts.

"Nine Tails, how could it be the smell of corpses? He is the owner of the Pavilion of Heavenly Secrets, so high above! Besides, even if he doesn't take a bath for a month, he won't have such a smell, but I smell a different smell!" Zi Qing's last sentence is the key.

"What smell?" After Zi Qing finished speaking, someone picked it up immediately. They really wanted to know what smell Tianjizi had on him. Even the butterfly standing beside him pricked up his ears and listened curiously. .

"Demon!" As soon as Zi Qing said this, Tian Jizi's heart skipped a beat. He really didn't want to touch Zi Qing, but he saw it, and he said it in front of so many people.

This is something he couldn't predict at all!
His face, at this moment, became pale!

If everyone knew that there was a demon hidden in his body, the consequences would be unimaginable.

After hearing Zi Qing's words, everyone didn't immediately pay attention to Tian Jizi's facial changes, because they didn't believe it at all!
As the head of the Tianji Pavilion, the number one force in Lingtian Continent, how could he practice magic skills?

Although they are quite afraid of Tianjizi, but in an instinctive sense, they still don't believe in Tianjizi to practice magic skills.

Therefore, after Zi Qing finished speaking, everyone looked surprised, and amidst the surprise, they were full of disbelief.

Seeing everyone's eyes, Tian Jizi breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, he really felt like jumping out of the cold water!
It was the first time he had that kind of fear!
(End of this chapter)

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