Poison doctor witch

Chapter 97 What's the Secret?

Chapter 97 What's the Secret?
She concluded a contract with someone, and it was a life-and-death contract!

She owes a huge favor!

If she was just a ten-year-old girl, maybe she didn't know the ways of the world, but she was not a ten-year-old girl. As the former daughter of the General's Mansion and the princess of Prince Mo's Mansion, she knew the principles of human relationships.

When Mo Ranchen put her hand on her forehead and entered into a contract with herself, she knew that in this life, she would not be able to repay the favor she owed.

A life-and-death contract, life and death together, one party dies, the other party can't survive, this is the hegemony of the life-and-death contract.

If there are two people with equal strength, then signing a contract will not cause trouble, but now, the strength of Zi Qing and Mo Ranchen is very different, and there is no comparison. For Mo Ranchen, the two people signed a contract. It is a great threat.

However, even so, Mo Ranchen did not show any hesitation.

In the end, what is Mo Ranchen thinking?
This is what Zi Qing desperately wants to know.

If he had nothing to do with this body, she wouldn't believe it even if she was killed.

It is impossible for two people who have no relationship to pay so much for each other.

Thinking of this, Zi Qing frowned.

What kind of secret is hidden in this body?
The blood of the body is not ordinary blood, otherwise, even if a drop of blood is lost, her body will not be like this.

In addition, the inexplicable appearance of Mo Ranchen let Zi Qing know that the body she occupied was in great trouble.

That's right, it's trouble, the more mysterious the identity, the more trouble it will involve.

Originally thought that this was a chance for her to live a new life from the heavens, but now that she thinks about it, there may be some involvement, many involvements.

"Xiaobai, take good care of her!" He can't stay by her side for a long time, otherwise, it will cause her great trouble, but if he changes his identity, maybe he can!

Thinking of this, Mo Ranchen suddenly looked forward to that day.

"Hmph!" Xiaobai snorted coldly, looking at Mo Ranchen with a complex look in his eyes.

He never thought that Mo Ranchen would sign a contract with Zi Qing, and it was a life-and-death contract. A heartless person like him could do this.

In the end, what is his purpose?
Since Zi Qing is his master, then he has reason not to let him hurt his master!

This information flashed through his mind, and Xiaobai responded instantly.

It's a pity, even if he reacts, the contract signed by Mo Ranchen and Zi Qing is already a fait accompli, just like the blood contract he signed with Zi Qing, it cannot be changed.

After Mo Ranchen took a deep look at Zi Qing, he broke through the space, turned around and left, the speed was unmatched by others.

Looking at Mo Ranchen who left, Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief. I don't know, is it good or bad to provoke this devil?
"Master, who are you?" Xiaobai murmured, and when he realized that the blood in Ziqing's body could undo the seal on it, it guessed that she might have the blood of God in her body.

But now, he has some doubts.

Of course, there is no doubt that Zi Qing has the blood of the gods in his body, otherwise, the seal on his body would not be released, but there are other things besides the blood of the gods.

And the rest of this act, it cannot know.

As one of the four great beasts of ancient times who knew astronomy and geography, there was nothing he didn't know about the white tiger, but now, there was such a thing that confused him.

(End of this chapter)

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