Poison doctor witch

Chapter 972: Transforming God Grass 1

Chapter 972: Transforming God Grass 1
"Tell me, where did your talisman come from? Tell me!" At this time, Tian Jizi was already in a state of being possessed, his eyes were full of red, and those red eyes were completely abnormal. He looked at Zi Qing His eyes were full of killing intent.

The strong killing intent was constantly shooting out from Tianjizi's body.

Right now, he is at the source of rage!
Tianjizi mentioned the talisman again and again, even the most stupid person would know that there are secrets between him and the talisman that must be revealed.

And because after seeing the amulet, he had the urge to run away.

Obviously, the influence of this amulet on him is not ordinary!

"I picked it up!" Finally, Zi Qing said it, and Tian Jizi couldn't believe her words.

Just ask, who can be so lucky to pick up the amulet, even if there is such luck, it can't be Zi Qing.

"Where?" Although Tian Jizi didn't believe it, he was unwilling to give up this rare opportunity. He would never let go of those people, those who destroyed his entire family.

Will not let go!

"Land of Illusion!" Zi Qing's lies came at her fingertips, without any burden at all.

Land of illusion, let Tianjizi go to hell!

Hearing Zi Qing's words, although he still had great doubts, Tian Jizi was no longer thinking about fighting Zi Qing at this time, and he didn't know why he was crazy, so he put Zi Qing aside and went out go.

He actually put down everything at hand, and directly carried the exercises to the outskirts of the vast forest.

Seeing Tianjizi's loss of composure, Zi Qing was slightly taken aback, a little confused about what Tianjizi was doing.

However, one thing is certain, this amulet is very important to Tian Jizi, so important that he can give up everything.

Meeting Tianjizi in the vast forest, Zi Qing guessed that Tianjizi might have some unusual actions in the vast forest. He came to the vast forest early, and must be doing something unknown.

And she confirmed her guess that when she deliberately led the crowd over just now, Tian Jizi knew that the arrival of the crowd would put him in danger, but he still stayed.

Although, she knew that he had cards and reliance, but there were certain risks.

However, under such circumstances, he was willing to stay. Obviously, the vast forest had what he needed, and he had reasons to stay.

However, what Zi Qing didn't expect was that Tian Jizi left, and he left so quickly, as if someone was chasing after him, even his subordinates ignored him.

He has such a movement, such a loss of mind began from the amulet.

Ever since he recognized the talisman on her body, Tianjizi has not been quite right.

Now, he is going out, if his estimation is correct, he has gone to the Land of Illusion. Even though he has many doubts, he still puts everything down and goes to the Land of Illusion.

At this moment, Zi Qing is quite curious about the relationship between the amulet and Tianjizi, so that he can let go of everything, just for the amulet!
Zi Qing didn't understand, and everyone in Tianji Pavilion didn't understand even more.

If Tianjizi let them come here before, what did Tianjizi leave now?
At the moment, the speed of attacking everyone in Tianji Pavilion also slowed down. After Tianjizi left, everyone was also looking for an opportunity to leave. Without Tianjizi's backing, they certainly couldn't love to fight.

Soon, everyone in Tianji Pavilion receded like a tide...

(End of this chapter)

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