Poison doctor witch

Chapter 989 Ice Element Spirit Vein 3

Chapter 989 Ice Element Spirit Vein 3
Nine Tails tamed the little brother, it was with the attitude of the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, after torturing the flamingo and the ice tiger, he only accepted them.

Kyuubi is also quite ungentlemanly. He treats the two female monsters with such a tough attitude, but the effect is quite good.

Wherever Nine Tails went, Flamingo and Frost Tiger were both on the saddle, so they were well taken care of!
"Flamingo, Frost Tiger, how long have you been in the vast forest?" Suddenly, Xiao Bai spoke, and when he spoke, all the beasts looked at Xiao Bai in an instant.

Although Xiaobai appeared in front of the beasts in human form at this time, even in the human state, it was difficult to hide the coercion of the ancient beasts.

Even if Xiaobai did not release any breath at all, these monsters were full of fear when they looked at Xiaobai, and they were completely unable to resist, especially the named flamingos and ice tigers. After being called by Xiaobai, his body trembled, and he looked at Xiaobai with some fear.

They don't understand the meaning of the little vernacular. As far as their IQ is concerned, if they want to comprehend the deepest meaning of the little vernacular, they still need to get in touch with the little white.

Although they didn't know the meaning of Xiaobai's words, they still answered Xiaobai's question carefully, "We have lived in the vast forest for about 300 years!"

300 years is really not long for Warcraft, but for humans, 300 years is a distant number.

"300 years is enough!" Xiaobai murmured to himself, which made the flamingo and the ice tiger tremble with fear!
"Such a vast forest, have you all set foot in it?" This is the key point that Xiaobai wanted to ask, Zi Qing and Nine Tails understood it after the little vernacular.

It turned out that Xiaobai had this idea in mind.

"Basically, I have been to all the places!" The words came from the mouth of the flamingo. As the overlord of the sky, he has naturally flown to many places. Although it cannot be said that he has set foot in all the vast forests, but But basically all over the place!

"Then have you ever been to a cave where the snoring noise is loud, but you can't enter it anyway?" Although Xiaobai's words were not straightforward, everyone present understood the meaning of Xiaobai's words .

"Snoring loudly?" Flamingo repeated Xiaobai's words, and a look of confusion flashed in his eyes.

After a long time, when Xiaobai thought that the flamingo would tell him that he didn't know, suddenly, a look of surprise flashed in the flamingo's eyes.

It remembered, and it seemed that there really was such a place.

At the beginning, it was also by chance that when she flew over a cave, suddenly there was a noise from inside the cave. The noise was so weird that it startled it. After it relaxed, it planned to go to the cave to find out. of.

It's just that what makes it even more weird is that no matter what, it can't enter the cave, no matter how hard it tries, it can't enter the cave.

Even, it used the spiritual sense to investigate, but couldn't find out why.

At the moment, it gave up.

It is not a warcraft that loves to dig into horns, so after it could not enter the cave, it chose to leave.

If Xiaobai hadn't opened his mouth, perhaps, until now, he still couldn't remember that place.

"I know!" Flamingo's sudden opening startled everyone present, and after hearing what Flamingo said, both Zi Qing and Xiao Bai were overjoyed!
(End of this chapter)

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