Poison doctor witch

Chapter 998 Scary Thought 2

Chapter 998 Scary Thought 2
"The second master is from the Tianxia League?" When Zi Qing asked this question, she was obviously a little nervous. The Tianxia League must be destroyed for her. If Chen Libo really came from the Tianxia League, then what should she do in the future? Do.

As the saying goes, those who are obsessed with the authorities are obsessed with bystanders, at this time Zi Qing didn't realize that even if Chen Libo was a member of the Tianxia League, he was also a "traitor" of the Tianxia League, otherwise, the people of the Tianxia League would not treat him like this.

It's a pity that Zi Qing has not reacted at this time.

And Xiaobai at the side couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard Zi Qing's words, saying that Zi Qing was smart, he was definitely smarter than the average person, but if he was stupid, he was also stupider than the average person.

At this moment, she is caught in a contradiction.

"Chen Libo is indeed from Tianxiameng, and in Tianxiameng, he has a good status. Unfortunately, he loves beauties but not country, so he escaped from Tianxiameng. Now, he falls into Tianxiameng's hands, and he will definitely suffer a lot. !" Xiaobai said to Ziqing with certainty.

Chen Libo's strength may not be outstanding in the Tianxia League, but his mind is good, and he can be regarded as a think tank in the Tianxia League, so he can be regarded as a respectable person in the Tianxia League.

"Did the second master be arrested by accident, or did they come here deliberately?" There is a difference, and the difference is even bigger.

"This, I don't know!" Although Xiaobai has all-hands and eyes, he can't budget for some things.

At present, he doesn't know what channel the people from Tianxia League came to Lingtian Continent from Xuanming Continent. He can only roughly know how many people from Tianxia League entered Lingtian Continent.

If he recovered to his peak strength, then he would know how they entered Lingtian Continent.

"Now, what should we do?" The screams continued, and became more and more intense. The most important thing was that Chen Libo's voice also became quieter, probably because he let out more anger and less in.

If it wasn't for Xiaobai, Zi Qing would definitely think that Chen Libo was tortured to death by them.

"Wait!" At this moment, the only time they had a chance was when they relaxed, and once they relaxed, it was their best chance to rescue Chen Libo.

Of course, when they relax will depend on Chen Libo's luck!
"Xiaobai, why do they do this?" The people of Tianxiameng are perverted, but there seems to be some truth in it.

"They're doing blood testing!" Xiaobai still knew the actions of Tianxiameng and others, but he was a little contemptuous of their methods.

This contempt is not because their methods are cruel, but because their methods are too bad.

If it was done by him, it would definitely be better than theirs, at least, it would never make the scene so bloody!
"Blood testing, are they going to use everyone's blood to cultivate a super genius?" Xiao Bai's words made Zi Qing think about it.

"It probably looks like that, that's it!" As for the intention of Tianxiameng, Xiaobai couldn't guess it, but it should not be far from what Ziqing guessed, otherwise, they wouldn't be so laborious.

"What a terrible idea!" If their thoughts were in the modern 21st century, maybe Zi Qing didn't think they were crazy, but now, it is in the era of superficiality, and the technology is not skilled at all, so the people of Tianxiameng are all lunatics , A complete lunatic!
(End of this chapter)

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