Chapter 1399

The purpose of the two women's trip, needless to say, is the poisonous centipede during the day.

"It's almost inseparable. It's just that your mother's poison is lighter than the poison on the tea picking girl because of the tea leaves. But correspondingly, because of the tea leaves, it has changed from centipede poison Tea poison, after entering the body, seeps into the blood, making it even more difficult to eradicate."

Xin Lin's eyes turned, and he looked at the tea mountain in front of him.

She excused Tu Suxia during the day, purely because she didn't want to startle the snake, prevent Tu Suxia from taking any action, and divert the poisonous tea or centipede.

The Chashan area is still quiet.

I didn't see Tu Suxia sending someone,

It seems that Tu Suxia didn't intend to transfer the poisonous tea leaves or centipedes.

"Tu Suxia didn't move. Could it be that the poisonous tea leaves are not in the tea mountain?"

Murong Ziyue said worriedly.

They only have one day left.

She couldn't afford to bet on her mother's life.

"No, he did that probably because he wasn't worried about the discovery of poisonous tea leaves or poisonous insects. Indeed, it is not easy to find a poisonous centipede or a few centipedes in such a large tea mountain."

Centipedes are poisonous insects that like to live in damp and dark places.

It is usually found under rocks in streams.

But the poisonous centipede that Tu Suxia cultivated in order to cultivate poisonous tea leaves may have been mutated, or the living habits may have changed.

Soon, Xin Lin verified this point.

She and Murong Ziyue searched around the stream, but found nothing.

Time flies, and it is already midnight.

"Just like the day, nothing was found. Why don't we grab a supervisor?"

Murong Ziyue's usually calm face also showed a bit of worry.

When it was dawn and the people in Chashan went to work, they would have no chance.

"Don't startle the snakes."

Xin Lin thought about it.

Suddenly, she thought of something.

But Xin Lin found out the number two Sealing Spirit Talisman.

She now has two summoning spirits, but this time, Xin Lin did not release the little fox, but the egg cub.

chirp chirp chirp~
Egg Cub is very happy.

After arriving in Fuzhou, Xin Lin was afraid that the cub would breathe fire, so he only let it out at night.

Danzai also figured out the rules, as long as Ma Ma let it out, it must be fed to it.

Its black bean-like eyeballs stared eagerly at Xin Lin.

But today's Ma Ma was a little abnormal, for a long time, he didn't take out any food.

chirp chirp chirp~
Egg Cub was a little dissatisfied.

Its stomach has been flattened by hunger, what to eat?
"Hungry? Find something to eat by yourself."

Xin Lin pointed to the tea mountain ahead.

chirp chirp chirp~
Danzai was dumbfounded.

It looked at the dark tea mountain behind it, and reluctantly moved its short, round body.

Look at the left, a piece of green.

It doesn't eat grass.

Look at the right side again, it's bare.

It doesn't eat twigs.

Look at the bottom, the swarthy one.

It doesn't eat grass.

It looked behind it again, and there was a clatter.

It does not drink dirty water!
Danzai suddenly felt wronged.

Since Rake left, no, to be precise, after that coquettish fox came, its treatment plummeted!
Lingxian buns are gone!
The candied haws are gone too!

All gone!

Mama actually wants it to find food by itself?

Dou Da's tears almost burst out from Dan Zai's eyes.

At this moment, Danzai suddenly discovered something!
In its black bean-sized eyes, there was a ray of light!

(End of this chapter)

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