Chapter 2354

The life and death of other teams not only has nothing to do with them.

Even, the more casualties of other teams, the better.

Similar ore veins will continue to appear, and people will continue to go to snatch the ore veins, and the casualties will definitely increase greatly.

As long as they take advantage of this opportunity, they can eliminate many competitors without breaking a sweat.

As the captain of the Qingtian team, the little prince Tuyuan is not a good person, he can clearly see Sikong Ran's calculations.

Since Sikong Ran is so calculating, why should he be polite.

"But this way..."

Lu Yuan and the others showed hesitation.

They were a little worried about the safety of other teams, especially admirers.

Qing Cang is their enemy, isn't he?

"You guys are so naive. Believe me, if other teams find out about this, they will definitely choose to hide it. The fittest will survive. If they can't or go out, it means they are not strong enough."

Tu Yuan's little prince took it for granted.

Xin Lin didn't make a sound.

Although the little prince's words are not pleasant, they are true.

Right now, what everyone has to do is to keep their teams alive.

As for Master Mu, she could only find another opportunity to inform the other party.

With that Qingcang bracelet, the problem of material delivery was solved.

Before Sikong Ran and the others turned back, everyone emptied all the gas stones in the mine vein.

Some soul pills scattered on the ground were also taken away.

This time, it can be said that everyone won a complete victory. Not only did they get enough rations, but they also got a lot of supplies, especially the Qi stone. With the Qi stone, everyone's next journey will undoubtedly become much easier.

In the afternoon, a group of people left the col.

On the other side, Sikong Ran led the people of Taichang Holy Court to avoid the herd of beasts.

Although they were not as successful as Xin Lin and the others in their line of work, they were still quite fruitful.

Not to mention other things, they have harvested seven or eight pieces of treasures from the major teams alone, and some dozens of soul pills.

Sikong Ran was also considered fair, except for a few treasures which were temporarily kept by him, other soul pills and supplies were fairly distributed to everyone.

In this way, his prestige as the foreign captain was instantly enhanced, and everyone treated him with respect.

"Unfortunately, I didn't get many gas stones this time."

In contrast, only Luoyan was depressed all the time.

She is currently on the threshold of cultivation and needs a lot of Qi stones.

But Mayor Chang took away the gas stone, and she got stuck on the bottleneck. She wanted to make a breakthrough directly through this vein of mineral, but this time it was a good thing, the vein of mineral was gone.

Those so-called treasures may be very rare in the eyes of others, but in the eyes of a proud girl like Luo Yan, they are not enough.

"Forget it, around dark, I'll go to the mine again."

Luo Yan thought for a moment, and then made up his own calculations.

She had heard that at night, corpse beasts appeared, and the mysterious spirit beasts did not dare to move rashly.

The group of mysterious spirit beasts came fiercely, but the nearby corpse beasts still accounted for the majority, so she could take the risk of turning back.

Under the night, Luoyan took advantage of the rest of the other team members to fly towards the mine.

Just like what Sikong Ran said, most of the mysterious spirit beasts only appear during the daytime, but at nighttime, there is no sign of them.

Soon, Luoyan saw the col not far away.

At the mouth of the mountain pass, there are still some dead beasts lying there, but there are still no mysterious spirit beasts, and the surroundings are very quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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