Chapter 2372

After negotiating the conditions with the Qingtian team, Mu Chen actively deployed to capture those ground elk.

In contrast, Xin Lin was much freer.

One after another, she captured some corpse beasts and used their internal organs to make delicacy bait.

It's a pity that ground elk are herbivorous, so they don't eat this kind of delicacy bait, otherwise it would be very appropriate to use them to catch ground elk.

The Qingtian team is still wandering around, and Xin Lin will also receive news from Egg Cubs from time to time.

Beastmaster never appeared.

However, more and more mysterious spirit beasts appeared on the mainland battlefield, so Xin Lin concluded that the beast king should appear in the near future.

On the third day, Mu Chen finally hunted down a ground elk.

A ground elk cub weighing more than 100 kilograms.

"Guys, you don't know, those ground elk don't look cute, but they are actually smarter than foxes. If there is a slight disturbance, they will run away without a trace. We set up many traps, and only three days later Caught this guy."

Mu Chen's face was full of excitement.

He didn't hunt ground elk, and he ate wild fruits for a few days, and the direct result was that he continued to vomit and diarrhea.

I don't know what's going on these days, those wild fruits taste better than before, but everyone has diarrhea after eating them.

Fortunately, with venison now, they can finally have a full meal.

The meat quality of ground elk cubs is much more delicious than Xishan tortoise, but unfortunately, the deer cubs haven't grown antlers yet, as for the deer blood, because of the brutal hunting by Mu Chen and others, the deer blood was all drained when it was delivered.

For this reason, Xin Lin also reprimanded Mu Chen a few words.

Mu Chen promised again and again that he must be careful when he catches next time, so Xin Lin started to concoct spirit delicacies according to the earlier agreement.

Peeling the skin and peeling the bones, Xin Lin's skill as a gourmand chef now, takes only a quarter of an hour, so don't handle the ground elk properly.

At night, a wonderful fragrance permeated the air.

Grilled venison, cut into pieces.

Each piece weighs about three catties. When Xin Lin baked it, he didn't peel the skin directly, but roasted the skin together.

Several members of the Changshan team almost swallowed their tongues when they ate the first bite of roasted venison.

The skin of the freshly roasted venison was roasted golden brown by Xin Lin, and the skin and flesh were separated with a light tear.

The meat is white but not greasy, and the venison is steaming hot. With Xin Lin's unique marinating method, adding lake salt, some wild onions, and minced red pepper, the heat is just right, and the venison smell is not left at all.

As soon as the meat was eaten, it was fresh and spicy. Everyone felt that the taste buds on their tongues were all opened, and the stomach and intestines that had been abused by wild fruits for several days seemed to open up Ren Du's two channels in an instant.

Mu Chen swallowed and swallowed, and ate three pieces of venison in one go, and his mouth was full of oil.

More than 100 catties of venison were eaten up by a dozen people.

Even the brothers Long Qingchen who disdained Xin Lin couldn't help but eat two pieces of venison.

Beside the bonfire, there was only a skeleton left, and Mu Chen couldn't help touching his swollen belly, and belched contentedly.

"It's a pity, it would be more complete if there is wine at this time, preferably Taibaijiu."

As soon as he finished speaking, he smelled a scent of wine.

"No way, you really brought Taibaijiu? There's no reason, the mayor Chang obviously treats everyone equally and only allows everyone to bring three items. I remember, you didn't bring Taibaijiu."

Mu Chen's eyeballs were about to fall off, he took out a skin bag as if Xin Lin was juggling.

(End of this chapter)

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