Chapter 2389

Every pebble is burning red at the moment, piled up there like charcoal.

A whole elk has been disembowelled.

Xin Lin cut many beautiful knife marks on the deer with familiarity, and then rubbed a layer of salt on the skin of the deer.

"The only thing missing is your spice."

Xin Lin picked and picked from the various herbs and materials that Wang Laoliu found, and stuffed them into the belly cavity of the ground elk one by one, and then stuffed the venison into the pebbles.

Seeing that the whole deer was covered with pebbles, Wang Laoliu still didn't understand what Xin Lin was planning to do.

"The rest of the time is less than half an hour. Such a big venison has time to cook? Also, can that thing be eaten as an ingredient? Is it eaten by a cow? Also, that thing smells pungent, you Really roast it together?"

Wang Laoliu said worriedly, watching Xin Lin concocting the delicacies.

Wang Laoliu has been a gourmet chef for so many years, and he has never seen a gourmet chef who acts so recklessly.

But the other party is indeed a five-star gourmet chef.

Luoyan is domineering, if she really gets angry, Wang Laoliu has no courage to persuade her.

But soon, Wang Laoliu shut up.

Because he saw Xin Lin took out two stones, and a fire spirit gushed out from them.

It's them!

Wang Laoliu's eyes lit up immediately, staring at the two stones.

He had never roasted venison cooked enough, and he was suffering from a headache. He was thinking about how Xin Lin roasted the venison, and it seemed that the other party had those two small stones.

Inside the stone, what spewed out was the True Fire of Samadhi.

The cobblestones, which had been scorched hot, became as red as charcoal under the heating of the Samadhi real fire.

The venison covered with pebbles is heated instantly and evenly.

This method was thought up by Xin Lin after roasting venison last time.

There is no stove in the open air, and it is really exhausting to use the real fire to barbecue meat, and it is not easy to control the heat.

Even Xin Lin burned several pieces of venison last time, which was a waste.

Team Taichang's residence happened to be very close to a stream, and there were clean and uniform cobblestones nearby. Xin Lin made good use of these cobblestones.

A quarter of an hour later, the fat sizzled, and a strange fragrance wafted away.

The members of the Taichang team smelled this fragrance.

"Why does this taste so fragrant? The venison is cooked?"

Luo Yan couldn't help but walk over.

She hadn't eaten meat for many days, and now she smelled the smell of venison, and felt that her stomach and intestines were all entangled.

Even Sikong Ran's self-control is astonishing, but at this moment he feels his mouth is full of saliva.

Kou Nanhuai and the others couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

After an hour was up, Xin Lin slowly pushed aside the hot pebbles.

The grilled whole deer is shining brightly and exuding a tempting aroma.

"It's really cooked. It's amazing. These herbs are so fragrant."

Wang Laoliu circled around the roasted deer, constantly admiring it.

"You can eat."

Xin Lin said neither in a hurry nor in a hurry.

But no one did it.

"Afraid it's poisonous? Then I'll eat it first."

Xin Lin is also very hungry right now.

She was about to step forward.

"Wait a minute, who knows if you took the antidote in advance."

Luo Yan glanced at Xin Lin.

She didn't trust Xin Lin at all.

Xin Lin spread his hands, too lazy to say much.

"Wang Lao Liu, go and try."

Luo Yan couldn't help swallowing hard, and glanced at Wang Lao Liu.

(End of this chapter)

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