Bamboo horse is king

Chapter 1288 Will she be given...

Chapter 1288 Will she be given...

Mu Huangyin's blurred red eyes showed contempt, monster?I really haven't seen the world, and I feel upset, red flames spew out, and several places in the restaurant are on fire.

The guests ran out in panic.

Lan Xiao was stunned, and looked at Mu Huangyin in disbelief, this...

Seeing that everyone was scared away, Mu Huangyin was in a happy mood, smiling like a child, and staggered out.

In a daze, he bumped into someone, and the moment he raised his eyes, he saw Mu Ruixuan's face, feeling suspicious, when suddenly his neck hurt and he lost consciousness.


in the room

Mu Huangyin was lying on the bed, her little face was flushed, her lips were slightly pouted, her pretty little face was very pitiful.

Beside her, Mu Guoguo was lying sound asleep.

Mu Ruixuan's dark phoenix eyes glared at Mu Huangyin angrily, full of anger, she was really worried that she couldn't help it and strangled her to death, it was so annoying, now the streets are full of monsters.

It is no different now than ten years ago. Ten years ago, at any rate, there was a special Chaoyang Kingdom. Let alone now.

Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps outside, and there were quite a few people coming by visual inspection.

The door of the room next to Mu Ruixuan was kicked open by officers and soldiers, and then a group of people poured into the room and searched.

Mu Ruixuan frowned slightly, got up, opened the door and walked out, but only showed a quick token, and it was quiet outside after a while.

Mu Ruixuan came back, thought for a while, picked up her daughter and Mu Huangyin, left through the window, and went to the other courtyard of Zunwang Mansion in Xiangyin City.

above the big bed.

Mu Huangyin and Mu Guoguo were still sleeping soundly. Mu Ruixuan was sitting on the edge of the bed with a stern face. He felt that it was necessary to teach Mu Huangyin a lesson so that she would never dare to drink outside alone again.

After thinking about it, Mu Ruixuan lay directly on Mu Huangyin's body, lowered her head and gnawed, leaving dense marks.


The next day.

Mu Huangyin woke up, and the moment she opened her eyes, she saw a strange room, her red eyes were a little confused, and the moment she sat up, she felt a splitting headache, and a slight chill came from her body.

Subconsciously lowering her head, she was suddenly startled, where... where are her clothes?And these densely packed...

Mu Huangyin hurriedly brushed off the quilt, her face turned pale instantly, she was not wearing anything, for the first time, she felt indescribably flustered.

Should she be given...

what to do?If Mu Ruixuan knew, he would kill her.

That person, Mu Ruixuan, is so self-sufficient, if she knows her...

Mu Huangyin's mind was buzzing, she was more worried that Mu Ruixuan would not want her than Mu Ruixuan killed her.

Worried that he doesn't want her?

Mu Huangyin's mind froze for a moment, her expression was stunned, why should she be worried that he would not want her?She only wanted to escape from him, so she should wish for nothing.

But thinking that Mu Ruixuan would really despise her and really don't want her, she couldn't be happy at all.

Mu Huangyin patted her head with her hand, her beautiful little face twisted together, she was extremely distressed, what happened last night?She only remembered that she drank with Lan Xiao, and then she seemed to spit fire and hurt someone, and then... she didn't remember.

Could it be that Lan Xiao did it?
Mu Huangyin gritted her teeth in resentment, that bastard knew that he had no good intentions, and even took advantage of others' danger, she had to kill him.

Mu Huangyin has long forgotten that she took advantage of others' danger and wanted to rape Ye Luan'er.

Ye Luan'er's state of mind at that time was her current state of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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