Bamboo horse is king

Chapter 801 The Power of Death

Chapter 801 The Power of Death
The group of green-clothed youths all turned their heads away and did not answer Mu Jingyuan's words, looking like they were angry.

Mu Jingyuan's eyes darkened, his face was cold, and he exuded a cold aura.

Shen Jue'er smiled slightly, and the silk thread of soul power directly entangled the little red flower called Qianmei, and with a force, she pulled the little red flower closer.

Xiao Honghua gasped in pain, and in front of Shen Jue'er, she turned into a doll with pigtails, dressed in a bright red dress, with her small mouth pinched, she looked about two years old.

She looked at Shen Jue'er warily with her big flickering eyes, with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes.

Seeing her like this, Shen Jue'er couldn't bear it any longer. She withdrew the thread of soul power, squatted down, and asked in a slow tone, "Little girl, tell sister, what is this place?"

Qian Mei bit her lip and remained silent.

"If you don't say anything, my sister will eat you up." Shen Jue'er gritted her teeth and made a vicious expression.

Qian Mei's small body trembled, her eyes showed fear, and Nuonuo said, "This is the fairyland."

"Immortal world?" Shen Jue'er frowned, "Are you immortals?"

Xiao Qianmei shook her head, "No, we are little demons, but Grandpa said that we will cultivate to become immortals after thousands of years, and the place where we live is the fairy world."

"Grandpa?" Shen Jue'er raised her eyebrows slightly, "Take me to see your grandpa!"

Qian Mei was stunned for a moment, and a sly look flashed across her big eyes filled with tears, "Okay! I'll take you to see grandpa!"

She wants grandpa to beat the bad guys!

Shen Jue'er chuckled lightly, "Then let's go!"

The other little demons didn't stop them, they had the same idea as Qian Mei, they all hoped that their grandpa would help them beat the bad guys.

Shen Jue'er and Mu Jingyuan followed Qian Mei and walked straight along the avenue.

Along the way, you can hear the surrounding flowers and trees talking non-stop.

Listening to these voices, Shen Jue'er felt a little uncomfortable. There are monsters everywhere in this place, and I don't know how many years they have become spirits.

"Qianmei, how old are you?"

"Two hundred years old!" Qian Mei said crisply.

Shen Jueer: ...

This little radish is actually two hundred years old?

In fact, being a demon is also very good, and you can live a long life easily.

Not long after, Qian Mei and other little demons led Shen Jue'er and Mu Jingyuan to a big locust tree.

The locust tree is quite thick, and I'm afraid five or six people may not be able to hug it when they surround it.

"Grandpa! There are bad guys!"

Qian Mei and the other little demons all ran to the side of the big locust tree, and began to complain, emphasizing what Shen Jue'er and Mu Jingyuan had done.

The big locust tree was angry, its branches and leaves swayed wildly, and suddenly many vines sprang out from the ground, quickly binding Shen Jue'er and Mu Jingyuan.

Xiao Yao cheered excitedly, "Beat the bad guys! Beat the bad guys! Grandpa is the best!"

Something flashed in Shen Jue'er's eyes, the corners of her mouth curled slightly, her fingertips moved slightly, and the vines entwining her were slowly withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The vines wrapped around Mu Jingyuan's body also began to wither.

The thick branches of the big locust tree trembled, and in an instant, it turned into an old man with a white beard in a green shirt.

The old man's face was full of wrinkles, his face was dark, and his sharp eyes stared at Shen Jue'er, "Who are you? Since you have the power of death?"

The power of death?

Shen Jue'er's eyes flickered slightly, she didn't use any power of death, but soul power.

Her soul power can revive all things, and can also cause all things to perish.

(End of this chapter)

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