Bamboo horse is king

Chapter 823 Heavenly Thunder Tribulation

Chapter 823 Heavenly Thunder Tribulation

It took a long time for the queen to come back to her senses. Although she was also excited, she still had reason. She still had important things to do, and she would not choose this time to return to the devil world.

Seeing more and more demon souls rushing towards the gate of the demon world, the queen roared angrily, "Come back all of them!"

No demon spirit listened to her.

Those devil souls have been suppressed for 3000 years and tortured for hundreds of years. Their souls are weak and cannot resist the call of Hades at all.

More and more demon souls entered the gate of the demon world.

Seeing this scene, the five gods were very excited and focused on dealing with the queen.

On this continent, the demon souls suppressed by the seal of the main god are not only in Chaoyang country, but also in the other four countries. After the destruction of the heaven and earth formation, the seal of the main god was affected.

The seal was loose, and most of the demon souls escaped, but not all of them were in Shengjing.

The demon souls from other countries, after sensing the opening of the gate of the demon world, all rushed over.

Shen Jue'er stood [-] meters away from the gate of the demon world. This stop lasted for two days and two nights. She witnessed countless demon souls coming from all directions and entering the gate of the demon world one after another.

The five gods were still fighting with the queen, and both were injured to varying degrees.

Mu Jingyuan came to Shengjing, stood beside Shen Jue'er, looked at the gate of the demon world with dark and deep eyes, and said in a deep voice, "The souls return to their homeland, and it is a good thing that they can raise their souls with peace of mind."

Shen Jue'er turned her head to look at Mu Jingyuan, her neck was a little stiff, and she subconsciously stretched out her hand to rub her neck, "You came quickly."

Mu Jingyuan smiled, put his hands on Shen Jue'er's shoulders, and rubbed her shoulders, "My king's woman and son have been abducted, and my heart is hanging, but I'm really worried about seeing the situation. .”

Shen Jue'er laughed, and said in her heart, "Now are you relieved?"

"Barely rest assured!"


Suddenly several thunderbolts flashed across the sky, all of them were as thick as a person, and they struck straight at the five gods.

Shen Jue'er subconsciously shuddered and looked towards the sky.

Mu Jingyuan embraced Shen Jue'er, stepped back, and kept away.

The Demon Queen, who was fighting with the five gods, was accidentally affected. Seeing that the situation was not right, she turned around and fled.

The sky thunder continued, and each thunder was stronger and more powerful than the previous one. When it fell to the ground, several meters of deep pits were directly smashed into the ground.

Those thunders are like the eyes of the president, and the five gods will chase them wherever they hide, and they will not let them go.

Shen Jue'er sighed in her heart, such a big thunder would not turn her body into a pulp.

As soon as he thought this way, one of the gods was struck straight by the sky thunder, and fell down in an instant, his whole body was pitch black, and black smoke was still rising.

The other four High Gods dodged left and right.

The God who was knocked down by lightning was just about to get up, when another thunderbolt fell, and he fell down again, buried in the deep pit, and had no strength to get up again.

Thunder after thunder fell on him one after another, and his body gradually returned to dust.

The other four high gods were not much better either. After dodging countless times, they still couldn't dodge and were all struck by lightning.

99 thunderbolts fell one after the other at the beginning, and then turned into thunderbolts every half an hour, and finally thunderstorms every hour.

The further back, the longer the sky thunder is transported, the greater the power of the sky thunder.

When the last thunder fell, the five gods fell to the ground and were buried in the deep pit created by the thunder, and the world was instantly quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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