love each other

Chapter 185 Cold Poison

Chapter 185 Cold Poison
"Why?" As soon as Xiao Muyue said it, a general objected: "Little brother, our Xifeng army has [-] soldiers, strong and strong, which can be worth [-] troops. You are trying to boost the ambition of others and destroy your own prestige!"

Mo Qiancheng said: "General Cheng, what Yue'er means is that out of the [-] people, some people who stayed in the barracks will be removed, and some people who can't be used, and this king is not coming this time to start a war. "

Xiao Muyue said: "That is, if there is no war, who is willing to send people to sacrifice in vain, not to mention that Xifeng only has 50 soldiers and horses, it is [-], and if he can definitely win, which general can guarantee that he will not be injured?" One soldier and one soldier?"

General Cheng said: "Since it's a war, how can it not hurt every soldier?"

"So, what's more, Xifeng doesn't have 50 yuan, of course it's outsmart, don't you believe in the prince? What's more, everyone is raised by their fathers and mothers. In your eyes, a soldier is all the sustenance of a family. "

Xiao Muyue looked at Mo Qiancheng and said, "My lord, if there is a reason enough to deter the Three Kingdoms, can it stop the Three Kingdoms' actions?"

"A reason sufficient to shock the Three Kingdoms?" Mo Qianye looked at Mo Qiancheng, then at Xiao Muyue.

Mo Qiancheng nodded: "If it can deter the Three Kingdoms, even if the dragon veins are really destroyed, the Three Kingdoms will not dare to act rashly. What does Yue'er think?"

"My lord, isn't there?" Xiao Muyue made an explosive gesture.

Mo Qiancheng's breathing was slightly stagnant, and Yue'er actually wanted to use that thing to help him?

Xiao Muyue smiled, "Even if the prince doesn't have one, he can think of one, can't he?"

Mo Qiancheng also smiled slightly.

The riddle between the two is beyond comprehension for others, especially Mo Qianye, seeing the two chattering, he suddenly felt curious, is this the thirteen married concubine?

It looks so different.

"Since Shisan already has an idea in mind, then I won't ask questions, let's go to rest first! Come on, the prince is exhausted, take the prince and these few to rest."

After that, Mo Qiancheng and his party left the tent again.

The remaining five or six generals were at a loss and asked, "Commander, what did the prince mean just now?"

Mo Qianye smiled and said nothing, "The Flame King knows that this time the matter of the dragon's veins is not to start a war, but to start a war is a last resort."

Everyone immediately understood.

"My subordinate understands."

"In this case, all the generals should go back and have a rest, it's been a tiring day."


At night, in a tent flickering with dim candles.

Xiao Yumo put one hand on Mo Qianye's, with a solemn expression on his face, and did not take it away for a long time.

On the side, Mo Qiancheng, who was sitting, stared at Xiao Yumo's hand closely. Even Xiao Muyue, who was beside him, could tell that he was very nervous.

After a long time, Xiao Yumo finally took his hand away and sighed deeply.

Xiao Muyue had never seen Xiao Yumo's expression like this before, and immediately asked, "Second Brother, how are you doing?"

"That's right, Mr. Xiao, Qianye's leg... can it still be saved?"

Xiao Yumo shook his head lightly.

Mo Qianye chuckled softly: "Thirteen, you are too nervous. After so many years, don't you still get used to it? I said it's useless, these legs are useless!"

Xiao Muyue frowned suddenly: "Second brother, is there really nothing you can do? Can you heal people from Gu?"

Xiao Yumo said: "It's not that there is no way."

Mo Qiancheng and Mo Qianye held their breath at the same time, and looked at Xiao Yumo expectantly.

Xiao Yumo said: "It's just that this situation is more complicated. Besides, this cold poison has been present for many years. If anyone can cure it in the world today, only my master can cure Gu Gu."

"However, master treats illnesses according to his mood. If he is in a bad mood, no one will be able to please him. If he is in a good mood, he can save even a person who has just died."

"One more thing, Master's whereabouts are strange and uncertain, and he may not necessarily be in the Valley of Medicine, unless..."

Xiao Yumo looked at the little sable in Xiao Muyue's hands, and said, "Unless Sable is willing to take you to find Master."


Xiao Muyue looked at the sable in her hand in surprise.

Because Luqiao and Zhilan were not in the capital, Xiaozi also brought them out.

But what is the relationship between Xiao Zi and the Valley Master of Medicine Valley?
Xiao Yumo nodded: "Yue'er, if I'm not mistaken, this is my master's sable. The sable has a lively personality and can't stay in the Valley of Medicine. She often sneaks out to play. To find it, the master often searches all over the place. Phoenix country."

The corner of Xiao Muyue's mouth twitched, this little guy not only has a master, but also a master of the Valley of Medicine?

The results were unexpected.

"Squeak --" Xiao Zi opened her round eyes and squeaked twice.

Xiao Yumo sighed: "It's just that even if Xiao Zi is willing to take you there, Master may not be willing to save you. Besides, the matter of the dragon's veins is in front of us..."

Mo Qiancheng frowned deeply, is there no other way?

Mo Qianye said lightly: "Don't worry about this moment, it has been useless for more than ten years, at least it gave me hope, didn't it?"

Mo Qianye looked at the sable in Xiao Muyue's arms, with uncontrollable emotions in his eyes.

Even though he doesn't care about it on the surface, he hopes in his heart that he can stand up instead of being a useless person and being waited on all day long.

And all this fell into Xiao Muyue's eyes, and she was somewhat confused.

What is the relationship between Mo Qiancheng and Mo Qianye?
Why does Mo Qiancheng care so much about Mo Qianye?
Going back to her tent, Xiao Muyue kept her head down, thinking about something.

Seeing this, Mo Qiancheng directly pulled her into his arms, and said, "Qianye is also the son of the late emperor, ranked nineteenth, and he had disabled his legs in order to detoxify the cold poison for this king, and he did it all for this king."

Xiao Muyue's breath stagnated, "Then why is he in the barracks?"

"Yue'er doesn't think that only in the barracks can he live a happy life." Mo Qiancheng said in a low voice: "This is also his own choice!"

Xiao Muyue immediately understood that Mo Qiancheng felt sorry for Mo Qianye, that's why he was so nervous.

But this time, Xiao Yumo followed, which was an excellent opportunity.

A disciple of Yigu, and the owner of Zhenbao Pavilion, no one knows better than her that Xiao Yumo's medical skills are already superb, and there are countless treasures in his hands. He has no choice but to find the owner of Yigu Valley.

Mo Qiancheng sighed softly, "Yue'er."


"There's one more thing I've been keeping from you and haven't told you."

Xiao Muyue's back froze suddenly, what's the matter?He wouldn't be a fanatic, would he?

"what's up?"

Mo Qiancheng let her go gently, "Yue'er, don't get angry."

Xiao Muyue's face was strange for a while, what's the matter, she must agree first?
However, Xiao Muyue still nodded.

Mo Qiancheng immediately took out a silver mask and handed it to Xiao Muyue, "At the beginning, it was because of the news that the Xiao family had people from the Valley of Medicine, so I appeared in the Xiao family and saved you!"

Mo Qiancheng said lightly: "This is the mask of the master of the Soul Palace."

(End of this chapter)

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