Chapter 1727 Two Factions Go to War

When Patriarch Gong saw Ziyun Ye and Ji Bai's expressions, his old face suddenly showed sadness, and his old tears were about to flow down. He didn't expect that he couldn't keep his last son, poor child.

"Your idiot son is not dead yet." Wu Jialao said something suddenly. He also started to struggle in his mind just now, analyzing the situation. For him, an old fox who has been around for thousands of years, he can clearly see the situation in front of him.

If Shui Tianlan can't break through the defensive shield, then the Fan family will not lose, but if it is broken, the Fan family's fate will be miserable, because Shui Tianlan is the successor of the War Demon King, and he absolutely believes that this woman will be ruthless There will be a killing spree.

"What? Where is he?" Patriarch Gong suddenly asked in surprise.

"Dead is not dead, but I don't know the situation now, he was taken away by Master Fanku." The old Wu family frowned.

"Fan Ku!" The joy on the face of the Patriarch of the Gong family disappeared immediately, and his muscles trembled faintly, and the grief was even worse.

Zi Yunye hurriedly said: "Old Wu family, what are you thinking? If you don't want to die, let us go quickly, otherwise Tianlan has a bad temper, and if she beats you in, you, an old family member, have no chance of surviving !"

The old Wu family was shocked, the legend of the War Demon King was too scary for them, so he turned his eyes and said, "How can I trust you?"

"I protect you, as long as you go and rescue my son now, you will be the elder of my palace family from now on! Treat each other like relatives!" The head of the palace suddenly raised his head and said.

After being taken aback for a moment, the old Wu family exclaimed with great joy, "Really!?"

"Don't you understand how the old man is?" the head of the Palace family said.

"Okay! I believe you once. Master Fan really didn't follow his good intentions. He said that after solving your palace this time, let us go to Xuelong Lake. Now that I think about it, I want this old man to die!" After learning a lot, he finally settled down and walked over to open the stone gate on Ziyunye's side, "It's estimated that there will be a fight from above, you can help."

Zi Yunye looked at him and said with a smile: "Old Wu family really understands current affairs, thank you very much! Jibai, take care of them, I'll go and have a look!"

"Okay!" Jibai nodded, and Ziyunye walked out of the stone gate, then walked up to Patriarch Gong, took out a few medicines and stuffed them into his mouth and said, "Patriarch Gong, don't be depressed, your hurt Tianlan can Save." As he said, there was a flicker immediately, and the figure had already left the cellar.

The old Wu family looked at Patriarch Gong and said: "This old man can't untie this dragon chain, you can only wait a little longer, I'll save Young Master Gong first."

"Okay! Go quickly, thank you Elder Wu." Patriarch Gong was most worried about his son.

The old Wu family nodded, looked at Shilao again, and immediately followed him out.

Above, as soon as Ziyun Ye sprang out of the cellar, the entire light golden defensive cover just turned into tens of thousands of golden dots and dissipated away.

"Old man! Sue!" Shui Tianlan held her breath for a long time. Damn it, this defensive cover has lasted for so long, she almost wondered if the fairy was joking with her.

Fortunately, it finally broke, so she immediately rushed towards Fan Wuwu with great ferocity, while the silver-threaded flying ant immediately met his black bat, and Yanbing, with a move of the Yantian divine halberd, rushed directly at the two five-strong bats. The family elder of Dzogchen.

The Fan family was in chaos, and thousands of people wanted to attack it. A silver-gray light curtain from Zi Yunye instantly blocked all kinds of magic weapons, and stood directly in front of thousands of people.

(End of this chapter)

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