Chapter 2231
A group of women are naturally chattering, and a group of men on the other side are also laughing and joking, making everyone feel like a big family.

It is rare for Tianshi Guanhai to open two tables in Tianshi Mansion, and invite the chef from the big restaurant to cook a sumptuous lunch for everyone to have a good time together. Of course, Tianshi also told them with great sincerity that their How important is cultivation? Now they should be prepared for danger in times of peace and practice hard. After 500 years, they will be able to subdue Buddha God and Demon God and protect the entire Temple of Heaven.

When everyone was seated, Shui Tianlan was surprised to find that the faces of several women were a little shy. She saw the youngest Gong Xueyi and Lu Xiaofeng laughing, and Gong Xueke and Qing Feng were also interacting, and the oldest Gong Xueqing Sitting next to Long Si, Long Si's gaze at Gong Xueqing made Shui Tianlan playful.

What surprised Shui Tianlan the most was that Yan Bing was sitting next to Wu Yue, and she was very comfortable picking up food for her. But it was still the same, making Wu Yue blush.

Shui Tianlan and Ziyunye are both very sensitive people. They can see all this, and they also glance at each other. How long will it take for these four women to become famous?

Then look at Feng Qi talking and laughing with Die Wu, while Yi Yun sat staring at the two of them, his face seemed a little unhappy, but it was natural for Man Qing and Cong Er to sit together, the two of them were the last to go in of this team.

There are also Ji Bai, Gu Jian, Guang Han, and Mu Yang who are drinking and laughing at the brother's good place, and the atmosphere is harmonious.

A meal lasted from noon to dinner, because everyone wanted to hear what happened to Shui Tianlan and Ziyunye during this period, so Shui Tianlan and Ziyunye could only take turns telling stories for them, and everyone listened to their hearts. Trembling.

I am envious and jealous of the strength of the two people who are already on the fourth floor. There is really no comparison between people. They have practiced in the Yaoshen Dojo for half a year, and everyone's strength has indeed increased, especially since each has corresponding elemental vitality, so The low-level ones who were originally on the first or second floor have already reached the second level of Dzogchen, which can be considered fast, while Yanbing who was originally on the second level has already entered the third level, which is at the same level as Cong Er, Yi Yun, and Mu Yang.

According to the Celestial Master, the increase in their strength from the Yaoshen Taoist Field is at most about the third level of Dzogchen, so if it is fast, it won't take long for the four of them to come out and practice on their own.

After the reunion, there is a separation, everyone is very reluctant, but for the final task, everyone has to separate, but before the separation, this group of people will also go to the night market, especially a few women, women go, men naturally have to follow to go.

Shui Tianlan wanted to accompany them very much, but thinking of Mo Jie'er's agreement, she could only go first, but Ziyun Ye was left behind by them.

Before Shui Tianlan left, he called Yanbing aside, which made everyone very strange, especially Ziyunye, who couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He didn't forget that Yanbing was the successor of the God of War King.

"Yan Bing, I have something to discuss with you." Shui Tianlan and Yan Bing said after walking under the big tree in the Tianshi Palace courtyard.

Yan Bing smiled unexpectedly: "Tianlan, you're welcome between us, just tell me."

"It's about Wuyue." Shui Tianlan smiled.

Yan Bing was stunned for a moment and then said nervously: "What about Wuyue? What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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