Nine Phoenix Dynasty Phoenix Heavy Kwai Chapter

Chapter 1355 Young Master Wuji [2]

Chapter 1355 Young Master Wuji [2]

But Wuji still heard other palace maids say that her mother has fallen out of favor, and her father no longer likes her, so she has no value anymore.

What is fall from grace?For the young Wuji, even if his father and king would never visit them again, there would be no smile on his mother's face.

However, they lived in safety and sound in that remote palace, and no one made things difficult for them.

After a long, long time, he realized that his mother had not fallen out of favor, nor did his father no longer like his mother, he was just protecting them.

It turns out that the leader of a country also has so many scruples and last resorts.

No matter how deep the love is, it is not the only one.

When Wuji was three years old, the old King Wei died of a sudden serious illness, like the sky above his head suddenly collapsed, and no one sheltered them anymore.

Those people did not forget him and his mother. Before his mother was buried in the royal tomb, before she left, she told him: "Wuji, don't be afraid, the sky is not falling. If you keep your head up, you will always meet the sun."

She stuffed a handful of glowing and blooming sunflowers into his little hand. He was still ignorant and didn't know what sunshine was, because he had never seen darkness.

But soon, he knew.

His mother was buried, while Wuji was thrown into the harem without anyone to take care of him. The clan meant that he was left to fend for himself.

Wind and rain, no one to protect him, hungry and cold, no one will cook for him.

He misses his mother very much, and wherever she is, he wants to go with her.

It was cold and dark in that remote palace, and he didn't know how he survived.

That winter, when he fell in the snow, a boy in brocade with a sword walked past him, thinking it was a poor kitten.

He raised his head pitifully, on his dirty little face, his eyes were as bright as stars.

The boy looked at him and smiled, the pearls hanging from the crown reflected his smile brightly.

"Who are you?" the boy asked him.

He said ignorantly, "I am Wuji."

"Bold! Don't you have any courtesy in front of the king?" The palace servants scolded him loudly.


He doesn't know what the king is, he only knows that he is cold and hungry.

"It's okay." The young man said loudly, squatting in front of him, holding his little hand: "Wuji, don't be afraid."

He nodded.

"Do you want to come with me?" The boy asked him with a smile, the string of beads shining brightly.

He asked him: "Follow you, will I be buried?"

"Hahahaha!" The young man raised his head and laughed loudly, the beaded crown was shaking in front of his eyes, his voice was clear and clear, "Wuji, you will not be buried."

Wuji was finally relieved, he nodded and said, "I'll go with you."

The boy picked him up and led him through the icy snow, through the winter with withered leaves, to the warm and bright palace.

He had thought it was really light.

Later he knew that the young man who took him away was his elder brother, another son of his father, the legitimate son of the queen, and the king who ruled the Wei Kingdom today.

His elder brother told him that the whole country of Wei belonged to him, and no one could disobey his orders.

Therefore, no one will bully him again.

Wuji thought of his father who passed away. When his father was there, he was also the king of Wei, but his father did not completely rule Wei. He also had something to give up, and he would be forced by the clan to leave his beloved people.

(End of this chapter)

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