Nine Phoenix Dynasty Phoenix Heavy Kwai Chapter

Chapter 516 Love Under the Moon [2]

Chapter 516 Love Under the Moon [2]

That faint pink color suddenly made him feel an inexplicable longing.

Ji Xuanshang squatted down slowly, looking at her face, the wine still remained on her cheeks, one by one like dew.

He stretched out his hand in a strange way, and gently wiped away the wine.

However, when the finger touches her face, it can no longer be removed.

Her cheeks were very hot, and a faint blush came out, probably because she was drunk after drinking.

The hot skin seemed to firmly attract his fingers, and the fingertips slowly slid down her cheeks, stopping at the corners of her lips.

Don't...don't touch her!
This woman can't make you happy, it can only make you hurt, endless pain...

It hurts so much that it turns into lovesickness, it hurts so much that I want to go crazy!
Now he no longer thinks of Fen Yue, nor longs for Fen Yue.

All he misses and longs for becomes her... Zhongkui...

Ji Xuanshang restrained himself desperately, his fingertips trembled because of it, but... he still could not restrain himself from touching her lips.

The pain in my heart seemed to be soothed in an instant.

For a moment, he felt very satisfied, even if he was asked to give up everything now.

Why did it become like this, I have hated her so much since I was a child!
But... are all people mean?

Thinking of how comfortable and happy she was with other men, his heart wanted to kill with jealousy.

Keeping her away from him only deepened his longing hopelessly.

What should I do?
His fingertips traced the shape of her lips, and he actually felt a little bit of joy. His light purple eyes gradually deepened, so he couldn't be satisfied...

What he wants, more, more...

Seeing her peaceful sleeping face, she didn't seem to notice the slightest bit.

Really drunk.

How many chances do you have to watch her quietly like this?

"Chongkui, I hate you so much, why do you appear in my life?" He whispered, "Trouble my heart, you should die."

She was in such a deep sleep, if she was hit at this moment, she would die unconsciously.

There will be no pain at all.

Or, plant a yin and yang curse on her, just like what Chong Feng did to him, so that she has to obey him in everything, can't resist, can only obey.

Let her do whatever she wants, and never let her see Feng Mo, Wu Li, and that Tan Jiu again!
That's great, she will obey him in the future, she only belongs to him.

Even if Chong Feng is killed, she can do nothing, as long as it belongs to him, no matter whether she will be sad or not.

Various ideas flashed through my mind, but none of them were implemented.

If he could, he would have killed her long ago.

But I just can't...

Ji Xuanshang sneered, how could he deal with Chong Feng after falling into it like this?

The girl lying on the grass remained motionless, breathing heavily, like a harmless baby.

Ji Xuanshang's fingers pressed her lips, and slowly lowered his head, his heart was beating like thunder, as if it was about to jump out of his chest.

Her face was approaching inch by inch, her curled eyelashes, and her sweet breath were caught by him bit by bit.

The moment the soft lips touched them lightly, the voices of the whole world fell silent.

Puff, puff...

Only the sound of the heartbeat is clearly audible.

Originally it was just a light touch, but he felt dissatisfied and wanted more... The tip of his tongue tasted the wine left on her lips, a little bit was enough to be intoxicating.

(End of this chapter)

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