My girl is cute

Chapter 184 Awakening

Chapter 184 Awakening
So now, even though he knows that his daughter has been kidnapped, and there is no news yet, he can only sit still, instead of using his power to send more people out to look for her.

Just because there are too many people staring at him now!

If he uses his power to save his daughter, let alone what will happen to him, even the relatives of the Qian family who are officials in the political circle will probably be purged from the political arena by taking this opportunity.

He can't gamble with the whole family.

What's more, not only the Qian family, but also those officials who have various relationships with the Qian family may be implicated.

And the Zhu family...

Although the Zhu family was powerful, this matter did not have much impact on them, but it still had some impact after all.

The so-called pulling one hair and moving the whole body is probably the case.

Qian Mingshan closed his eyes tiredly, sat silently on the chair, and let the darkness swallow him.

It was past twelve o'clock in the morning, and more than six hours had passed since Zhu Xiaomeng disappeared.

At this moment, police cars can be seen almost everywhere in the major streets of City Y, hurrying back and forth.

The entire underworld in City Y also became active, and the reason was naturally because of a word from old man Bai.

At this time, in a villa.

As early as when she separated from Dongfang Si, Su Yunfei returned home.

The reason for this was naturally that he was afraid that Dongfang Si would force him to question him after he discovered the matter.

It wasn't until now that Su Yunfei received a call from Jiang Xinyuan that Su Yunfei knew that things had become serious.

It doesn't matter if the entire police station is mobilized, but the entire underworld in City Y has actually acted, which is far beyond Su Yunfei's expectations.

She originally thought that Dongfang Si had a good impression of Zhu Xiaomeng at most, but she didn't expect Dongfang Si to go to the old man of the Bai family.And the old man of the Bai family would actually use the underworld power of the entire Y city for one Zhu Xiaomeng.Su Yunfei never thought of such a thing.

Now things have exceeded her expectations, and the consequences are likely to be unbearable for her.However, she could only walk around the room anxiously, praying in her heart that Zhu Xiaomeng would not be so intimidating.


On the top of a pitch-black mountain, through the faint moonlight shining through the dark clouds, one can vaguely see rows of tombstones on the entire mountain top, with no end in sight.

Occasionally, there were a few crows, which seemed very infiltrating in this silent cemetery.

In front of a tombstone, lay a comatose person.

After an unknown amount of time, Zhu Xiaomeng slowly opened his eyes, trying to reach out to rub his drowsy head, but found that his whole body was tied up with a rope.

After struggling for a few times, I found that the binding was so tight that I couldn't move my arms at all.

Thinking of what happened before, Zhu Xiaomeng's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Unexpectedly, he was kidnapped...

The appearances of those girls flashed quickly in his mind, Zhu Xiaomeng remained silent.

Looking at the surrounding environment, the corners of Zhu Xiaomeng's mouth curled up slightly, really naive, thinking that leaving her in such a place would scare her?

Glancing at a tombstone in front of him, the photo showed a wrinkled, stern-faced old man.

Those cloudy old eyes just stared straight at him like this, not to mention, it really felt a little penetrating.

Zhu Xiaomeng tried to get up and looked around.

In the dark night, an endless stretch of white tombstones stood still in the slight cold wind, like pairs of eyes, staring straight at her.

(End of this chapter)

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