Destiny Phoenix

Chapter 1401 Father Gu's Choice

Chapter 1401 Father Gu's Choice
"Believe it or not." Mo Zhanhua didn't want to talk nonsense with her at all, he glanced at Gu Mingqian with cold eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Uncle Gu, it's already clear whether Mrs. Zun did it, and I still need to find those servants Confrontation?"

"No need."

Gu Mingqian looked at his wife with disappointment in his anger.

"Then how does Uncle Gu plan to deal with it?" The implication is that if he doesn't take action to deal with it, the brothers will naturally decide for him.It is impossible to let Gu Changci suffer in vain, and it is even more impossible to let it go.

Gu Mingqian wanted to protect his wife, but in the face of Mo Zhanhua's aggressive questioning, he also knew that this time might be a bit troublesome.

Not to mention that Mo Zhanhua is very stubborn, even if Changci wakes up, it is impossible to let it go.After thinking for a long time, he said with a firm voice: "Uncle wants to deal with this matter after he wakes up."

Mo Zhanhua laughed when he heard this.

"So, Uncle Gu wants to protect his wife."

He knew that Gu Changci was not welcome in the Gu family, especially Gu's father had always treated him coldly.It's just that I didn't expect that it would be so cold.His son was almost poisoned to death by his stepmother, but his biological father wanted to protect the poisoner instead of helping his son seek justice.

It's ridiculous!

"If uncle doesn't want to do it, then let nephew do it for me." The cold voice carried a toughness that could not be refused.

The light and fluttering tone clearly stated his position.

This head, he made a decision for the long resignation!
"Nephew," Gu Mingqian's face became a bit serious, and his tone was not as polite as it was at the beginning, "This matter is the Gu family's business after all. Although you and Jingfeng are on good terms with Changci, they are not members of my Gu family. You shouldn't meddle too much in the affairs of the Gu family, right?"

In words, closeness has already been separated.

Mo Zhanhua knocked his eyelids, and put his dark eyes into his eyes, "I don't care about your family affairs, but if someone wants to murder my important officials in Southern Chu, Mo Zhanhua has to ask."

"My lord—" he silently repeated Mo Zhanhua's words.

The last time Gu Changci came back, he only said that Zong Cheng had seen through his identity as the Minister of Dali Temple in Southern Chu, which caused the disaster, but he didn't mention Mo Zhanhua at all.

Gu Ming suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Could it be that he is the regent of Southern Chu who swept the world and was invincible?There was a sudden pause in my heart, no wonder, no wonder they dared to point their swords at the imperial city, it turned out that he was there!
Even if the Zongfu was destroyed overnight, it would be inseparable from him.

With a bitter smile, "It seems that you are in charge of this matter."

Mo Zhanhua saw through his thoughts, and there was a trace of coldness on the brows, but his tone changed when he spoke, "Uncle Gu is the elder, so the younger generation naturally dare not disobey the elder's wishes."

Turning her head, she looked at Wen Jinxuan: "Xuan'er, come here."

Wen Jinxuan hurried over.

"Uncle Gu said that Jingfeng and I are outsiders and shouldn't meddle in other people's business. Whether you can get justice for the long resignation depends on whether you, the new daughter-in-law of the Gu family, have the ability." Mo Zhanhua put his hands together When the back is closed, the powerful aura that makes people have to surrender is like an invisible big net, covering the sky and covering the earth, enveloping everyone.

No matter how bad the eyes are, people can tell that when he said this, he made it clear that he wanted to seek an explanation for Gu Changci.

Wen Jinxuan also understood.

Smiling awe-inspiringly, he stood upright in front of Father Gu, "My daughter-in-law just passed through the door, so she shouldn't have offended the elders. But this matter is related to my husband's life, please give me an explanation."

She was not a weak person, and with Mo Zhanhua behind her, she spoke even more forcefully.

(End of this chapter)

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