Destiny Phoenix

Chapter 1460 Extra Story: The Encounter of 5 Brothers 2

Chapter 1460 Extra Story: The Encounter of Five Brothers 2
Thinking of the shadow that had just arrived during the day, and thinking of the disappearing chess pieces, he felt inexplicably that the beast was behind him just now—he felt that there must be something strange in it.

"Come out, don't pretend to be a ghost!" He shouted to the outside of the mountain party.

What responded to him was a burst of cold and long echoes.

"Come out, don't play tricks—"

"Come out, don't play tricks—"

"Come out, don't make fools of God—"

Several times on one side, the sound became more and more blocked, as if there were two eyes staring at him in the darkness, it could clearly see his every move, what he said, he began to repeat it over and over again.

Mo Zhanhua extinguished Huozhezi.

lowered his eyes.

Quietly listening to the cold, like the voice from hell.

For a long time, he stood motionless in the forest.The black clothes seemed to blend into the night, and he didn't move, so no one could see where he was standing.

That echo continues.

It's not getting farther and farther away like when the chess piece landed, but getting closer and closer.It's so close that there seems to be a person standing behind you, blowing air-conditioning against your ear——

Suddenly, Mo Zhanhua opened his eyes.

In the pitch-black eyes, a gleam of cold light burst out.

Murder is over.

The tightened five fingers suddenly opened, and more than a dozen white chess pieces were swept in all directions.I saw more than a dozen white lights flashing in the darkness at the same time, so fast that people couldn't catch its direction.

The voice that had been repeating in my ears suddenly stopped.

Suddenly disappeared into the air.

There was no more movement.

Mo Zhanhua lit the fire folder again.

"If you don't come out again, be careful, this young master will set your barren mountain on fire, leaving you with no ashes left." Mo Zhanhua's sinister voice was transmitted in the darkness.

This time, no one repeated his words.

High above the mountain peak, a faint light suddenly lit up, and through this light, a person was vaguely seen standing there.The distance is too far, only his outline can be seen vaguely.

That's not a real person.

He stood there like a man, but his mouth protruded like a wolf, ears grew on the top of his head, and a long tail like a wolf dragged behind him.

Half werewolf, half man.

"What the hell are you?" Mo Zhanhua asked coldly.

"Someone is coming to die." The werewolf's cold voice, which seemed to be a smile but not a smile, got into his ears, but it was like a ghost, accompanied by sharp laughter, echoing in the night sky for a long time.

"Whether you are here to die or not depends on whether you have the ability to take my life!"

Mo Zhanhua yelled loudly, and before he finished speaking, his body rose into the air and landed on a tall tree not far in front of him.He flew up again, stepped on another tree, and jumped onto the third tree.

The figure flew around in the forest, and after a few times, it was already close to the mountain peak.

The werewolf was still standing there, showing no sign of fear when he saw him coming.

"Looking at your young age, you have some guts!"

The werewolf turned around, and Mo Zhanhua saw clearly that he was not a wolf at all, but was wearing a wolf mask.The tail behind him also seems to be put on to frighten people.

"Aren't you afraid of being scared to death by yourself?" Mo Zhanhua sneered.

"Stop talking nonsense." The man had a sinister smile on his face, "I never kill unknown people, so I will report your name."

"You don't have that chance, so you don't need to know my name."

"What a big breath!"

The werewolf raised his hand, and a smear of white covered the sky.

Mo Zhan Wharton felt bad, his eyes swept over the top, he jumped up to the branch above his head, and climbed up another tree at a very fast speed.

(End of this chapter)

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