Destiny Phoenix

Chapter 171 Distribute Frontier

Chapter 171 Distribute Frontier
Ling Yuyuan thought that those letters placed in the Xiang family's room were used to frame the Xiang family.When she knew that Prime Minister Feng had been framed and that the Prime Minister's mansion had been sealed off, a panicked expression appeared on her face.

She didn't expect that her father, whom she respected so much, would take advantage of her.

"Madam Feng, as long as you tell the truth, Prime Minister Feng will be saved from death, but you are just being used by others, so the emperor will not blame you." Gu Changci said honestly and seductively.

Ling Yuyuan understood what Gu Changci meant.

The letter testifying to Feng Xiang's treason was handed over to her by her father. As long as she tells the origin of the letter, it will prove her husband's innocence.But in this way, if his father framed Zhongliang, he would be severely punished.

But if you don't admit it, your husband will be beheaded at noon tomorrow!
"While the emperor is here, madam should make a decision early." Gu Changci seemed to have seen through her thoughts long ago, and his clear voice was bewitching.

Ling Yuyuan was almost shaken.

To her, Feng Jingyuan was more important than her own life.If she could sacrifice herself in exchange for Feng Jingyuan's life, she would agree without hesitation.But this time it involved the fate of the entire Ling family, so she had to be cautious.

"Master Gu thinks too much, no one will take advantage of me, I fabricated the letter in Xiang's house." Ling Yuyuan's face was filled with a look of resignation, and she muttered: "I am originally a young lady from the general's mansion, With a noble status, she became an inferior concubine just because she married Feng Jingyuan. But what about him? In his eyes, he only has that first wife who comes from a humble background, and he doesn't pay attention to me at all!"

"I hate him, I can't wait for him to have no children and grandchildren, and there will be no one to worship him!" Ling Yuyuan said, and suddenly laughed up to the sky, as if crazy, "Now that I have done it, their family will die tomorrow." Going to the guillotine, I'm happy, I'm really happy!"

Smiling and laughing, tears burst out of her eyes, the tears were like broken beads, and she couldn't stop no matter what.

"Father, I think she has lost her mind, right?" The prince looked worried.

The emperor had a sullen face, the shadow between his brows was as sharp as a blade, as if it would explode at any moment.Ruijing, who was standing beside him, carefully watched every subtle change on his face, trying to figure out the holy meaning.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" Even the maid beside Ling Yuyuan was terrified.

Suddenly, the laughter stopped abruptly.

not good!Gu Changci said in his heart, but he wanted to make a move but couldn't stop him in time. He watched Ling Yuyuan bump her head against the stone wall, blood splattered everywhere, and her body collapsed limply on the ground.

"Miss!" Seeing this, the servant girl rushed over and helped her into her arms.

Ling Yuyuan's face was covered with blood, but she was still alive, her blood-smeared eyes rolled, and she forced a smile.That smile was a little helpless, more of a relief.

Gu Changci knocked his eyelids.

Once Ling Yuyuan died, she took all the responsibility for her father's crimes. Xiang Feng was saved, and Ling's family would not be implicated. It was indeed the best of both worlds.

Morning the next day.

Gu Changci asked for an order in the hall, requesting a retrial of Xiangfeng's case and returning Xiangfeng's innocence.And Ling Weiyuan, who learned of her daughter's death, was not idle, and turned over the old account nine years ago, revealing that Feng Lan had rescued a fleeing princess when she attacked Daliang.Three years ago, Feng Lan risked the disapproval of the world and brought the subjugated princess back to the Imperial Capital, where she was raised in Qili Village outside the city.

However, Feng Xiang, who knew his son made a mistake, actually covered it up for himself and turned a deaf ear to it.

Once this matter was found out, the emperor was furious again, and ordered Fengxiang's family to be sent to the frontier.

(End of this chapter)

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