Destiny Phoenix

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

When the news of Ling Weiyuan's death came, the government and the public were shocked.

The dignified first-rank Xiaoqi general was killed in his own home, not to mention whether the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty would worry about his own safety, what would the people of Tanzhou think when they heard it, even if the incident spread to other countries in the future, it would be extremely embarrassing.At that time, the whole world will laugh at Nan Chu's incompetence, for letting a general who can't even save his own life lead his troops on the battlefield for more than several years!

The Emperor Longyan was furious and ordered the patrol camp to find out the culprit within one month.

Mo Biao, the commander of the patrol battalion, stayed in the palace until noon before returning to the camp.When he dismounted, his face was so dark that water could be squeezed out. It seemed that he had been reprimanded by the emperor for a long time in the palace.The official was so angry that he would not take care of himself. After returning to the camp, he didn't even bother to take a sip of water, so he hurriedly called all the people above the corporal leader of the patrol camp to give lectures in the meeting hall.

Feng Qingyao is the head of the ten husbands, so naturally she is also in the list of lectures.

She was of a low rank, and stood in the last row of the queue with a dozen or so captains.Even so, one could still feel Mo Piao's raging anger, like a tornado, burning everyone's cheeks over and over again. "In broad daylight, at the feet of the Son of Heaven, someone actually sneaked into the General's Mansion and killed the famous General Xiaoqi! Are you dead?" The roof trembled three times at those words.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on his face, they didn't dare to make a sound, and even their breathing was controlled within a very small decibel, for fear that if they were not careful, they would offend the commander who was in a fit of anger.

Only Feng Qingyao, she stood calmly behind the crowd, no matter what Mo Piao scolded, she seemed to turn a deaf ear to it, and just stared at the one-acre land in front of her toes.

She didn't raise her head to take a look until the Commander was tired of cursing and calmed down.

Coincidentally, Mo Biao also happened to look this way, and his eyes met. Mo Biao said angrily: "Qingyao, General Ling's Mansion is your jurisdiction. During your inspections these days, did you find anything? abnormal?"

Feng Qingyao slightly bent her body, cupped her hands and said, "Reporting to the commander, I will pass by General Ling's mansion every night at the second and fourth watch, and I haven't found any suspicious people coming in and out, and—" She paused, He hesitated to speak.

"Speak!" Mo Biao was impatient, seeing her stop in the middle of her speech, her eyes sharpened a little.

"In the past, low-ranking inspectors passed by General Ling's mansion. If they accidentally got closer, they would be shouted away by the soldiers in the general's mansion. It is said that General Ling's martial arts are strong, and there are countless capable people in the general's mansion. There is no need for a small patrol battalion. Come make a show!"

In her words, she deliberately emphasized the disdain of the people in the general's mansion for the patrol battalion.

When Mo Biao heard this, the anger that had just come down a little instantly burned up "ceng, ceng, ceng".Relying on his high position and power, Ling Weiyuan often ran against his patrol battalion on weekdays. In addition, because of Ling Weiyuan's inexplicable death today, he was reprimanded by the emperor for half a day. Right in front of his eyes, he could step on it a few times in front of everyone and vent his anger!

Seeing that his attention had been diverted, Feng Qingyao lowered her head in satisfaction.

As the saying goes, one thing more is worse than one thing less. On the day Ling Weiyuan died, she had entered General Ling's residence. If she was found out at this time, it would be inevitable that people would suspect her.She has a special status, so she acts as low-key as possible without attracting attention.

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from outside the conference hall: "His Royal Highness is here!"

Mo Biao hurriedly restrained his temper, adjusted his expression, and led the crowd out to meet the prince in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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